There was never an Adam, there was never a sin, there was never a paradise, there was never a garden of Eden, there were never such events.
if the ransom was paid at the time of jesus' death (mark 15:45, matthew 20:28, 1 timothy 2:6, hebrews 2:9), then why weren't the effects of adamic sin (sickness & death) reversed at that time?.
it seems to me that either:- the payment of the ransom was premature.
- god was not satisfied with the payment of the ransom; it was not sufficient to make up for adam's & eve's so-called "sin".hasn't god extracted enough from mankind as payment for adam's & eve's "sin" given the billions of persons who have lived and died?.
There was never an Adam, there was never a sin, there was never a paradise, there was never a garden of Eden, there were never such events.
hey, remember that one time on family guy when the evil monkey in chris's closet became a jw?.
i remember thinking, pssht, they'd never do that.. hey, remember when they did it?.
i am dying to know if someone awake at bethel in the art department or whatever saw that episode and recommended this cover a few years ago.
"A Jehovah's Witness with a caffeine problem" that's hilarious.
i work a little over 40 hours per week, but i recognize that all good things are due to end.
i actually got to meet my company president this week, and she's a very nice lady who is very nicely offering $5000 yearly scholarships to her employees and their families.
i don't have a degree, though i did get a nice college experience before i dropped out, and i'm considering online university.. for starters, i could probably afford the computer science undergrad program at university of the people.
That's great. Put the opportunity to good use. If may, it's definitely your call, and I know how important it's for parents who didn't have the opportunity to further their education to want their children to take advantage of every opportunity. That said, please listen to your children. Not all are college material and not everyone makes if big through college. Keep an open mind and listen if any of your children tells you that (s)he has no interest in college.
Forcing kids to college is as bad as denying it for those who do want to go.
have any or you seen the show black mirror?
there is an episode called white christmas.
its based in the future and everyone has this app in their brain similar to a modern smartphone.
Have any or you seen the show black Mirror? There is an episode called White Christmas. Its based in the future and everyone has this app in their brain similar to a modern smartphone. There is this feature called blocking where you can white out anyone you dont ever want to see. Its horrifying and it reminds me of disfellowshippin
I saw the series, and I am as horrified. And yes, that and other episodes make me think about disfellowshipping.
The very first episode sets the tone for those certainly not charming at all stories (the Prime Minister of England is forced to have sex with a pig on live TV, definitely not charming).
Seriously, the stories are crude and not happy at all. They are well made, but if you are the kind that likes happy endings and charming cute stories, stay away from that show. I started to watch season 3.
Talking about the bible is not prohibited.
Shoving the bible down other people's throats is prohibited.
Using the bible to influence government is prohibited.
Using the bible as an excuse for spreading hate, racism, homophobia, xenophobia, violence, dividing families, forcing women to have babies, let people die instead of receiving medical treatment, it's all prohibited.
having been a jw for decades i'm used to watching what i do, say, or watch, in fear of being snitched on.. therefore, i the question begs.. there have been instances, i won't say how, where i've felt some members are being deliberate in their attempt to feign support for the anti-jw rhetoric on this forum.. any input is greatly appreciated..
There have been instances, I won't say how, where I've felt some members are being deliberate in their attempt to feign support for the anti-JW rhetoric on this forum.
Not sure what you're asking. This is a forum for ex-JWs and for current JWs who may be questioning their faith. Of course, a number of current JWs lurk around for a number of reasons, and there are some idiot JWs who may be spying to try to snitch. If have been here for some time
My questions to you are:
I know that JWs have this black and white mentality, and sadly all they see and perceive is through their own lenses. Therefore, to me it makes sense that as a JW you may see anything that people post as propaganda, or some kind of persuasive talk to entice people. That's JW nonsense. JWs do that, we don't.
Many of us (and definitely me included) can't care less about convincing anyone of what we post. My history is my history, my believes are my believes, my bad experiences in that organization are all there. I don't need to convince anyone of my realities or facts, nor do I have any interest in making anyone act, believe or do how I act, believe or do.
Yes, Active JWs come to forums like this to either try to catch others they may know and tell on them, or to go back to their studies and rant about all the "dirty disgusting things people say in these forums", or because of simple curiosity (JWs are human too). Some lurk around learning, not feeling in a place where they are comfortable posting anything for fear or for shyness or because they are not completely sure of where they want to go.
i was born in four gen, been d.f.d.
for about eight years now.
my father had always been a true company man, although more times than i can count, he's always been floppy.
I said, "Call me when he or my mother is in the hospital or dead." I'm done. I really love my family and friends that I left behind, but I just cannot stomach the self-righteousness. I can deal with the flip flops, and the whole 700 Clubifiying remake, but as far as the self-righteousness, can't do it. I've never been that way. I've always hated those who were that way and it appears that the more this fucking group evolves the more arrogant and self-righteous they get. I was so heated and hateful towards this fucking religion that I've pretty much resolved to never go back and therefore never talk to or see my parent's again.
Just to put this out there. The way I dealt with that nonsense from my family was by flipping the story. I disfellowshipped them. I shunned them. They have the responsibility of looking and reaching out for me. That made wonders.
You are acting exactly the way the WT wants you to. You are in the victim role, in the receiving end. Reverse psychology makes wonders.
For as long as they are the ones calling the shots, you will be in the position of being mistreated. Change the story.
i think is rather funny.
the king in gay magazine😁 but business is business, isn't it?.
It's not an advertising. JWs have no control over where the press publishes.
it has been awhile since i posted.
but i wanted to say a few things that may help those recovering from the watchtower, especially if you have just discovered ttatt.
it is with humility that i come here to express these thoughts.
Thank you so much for your post. I have posted time and time again, especially in this forum, that a lot of ex-JWs and poeple who are questioning their faiths tend to focus too much or exclusively in believes, doctrines and teachings of the WT versus other religions. When you read the posts, almost all use knowledge and not feelings as a way to remove themselves from the WT's negative influence. Your post is very well appreciated.
There was another post that mentions a person that has been out for decades and decided to return to the JWs. I mention that post because that is a good example that although what I quoted from you is on point (I myself took almost two decades to be in a place where I can feel OK with my relationship with the JWs), there more to do, which is something that I feel I need to point out out of concern for others being mislead.
I mention this because decades can pass and if those things are never addressed, there may not be much or any healing.
I also mention this because in your post you mention that you chose not to seek professional help. I highly recommend seeking professional help from professionals who understand the effects of high controlling, highly demanding groups, such as the WT. That worked for myself really well.
Neither approach is wrong, nor better than the other. I think it's relevant, in the spirit of healing, to know that there are options available out there.
Again, thank you for your post.
i just phoned my cousin who's never been a jw.
last week she went with her son-in-law and my jw sister for a meal after planting a tree at her daughter's grave.
she said when my sister was dropped off at her house her husband said you do know she can't have toast.
I think he's being a little childish and disrespectful. At the end of the day, as nonsensical as the JW believes and practices are, they are to be respected. I have no respect for the WT organization and if it was up to me they wouldn't exist, but that behavior does nothing other than make the JW feel bad, as if the WT doesn't already do a great job at it.
That wasn't nice.