After many years he wrote to my wife and I apologising for his actions. Gave copy of letter to chairman of his original JC, who told me that he now disfellowshipped and branch directed that if e appealed his apple would fail as he Either. A liar or a child abuser . He not been heard of lately tho he was badly beaten up some years ago by unknown assailants. Wonder who told them about him?
Your post gives me mixed emotions. First, thank you for sharing such personal story. It's very good that you as family have remain together and consistent in your stance with the JWs. Other abused children also have to deal with family members still remaining loyal to that bunch of filthy JW pedophiles protectors. I'm sure that you all enjoy the support you get from each other, which should never be taken for granted.
The other thing is, based on what i quoted above is why didn't you report the abuse to the authorities? That filthy JW pedophile could be in jail and (if in USA) also become a registered sex offender. I know it isn't easy to go through the entire thing, but criminal charges may have been filed if the guy pretty much confessed to the crime he committed.
Also, it angers me that the WT and company remains protecting those filthy pedophiles without being sued. As good as it feels to let those filthy pedophile protectors out of your home, after that event, they will go on and continue in their disgusting pedophile protecting cult.
Life is what it is, it's never all good and never all bad. But it's great that you still have each other and see the issue the same way. That matters.