Any other suggestions for "loyalty" questions?
I waste no time trying to use their teachings and reasoning with them about what they know. If I want to question people's loyalty, I can't care less about what they have to say about their teachings. What I address is what a lot of people seem to fail to see: their feelings.
I ask them what their "experience" is. They love, love, love to give their charming stories about how they became JWs. I listen carefully to their stories. By listening, I can identify exactly the reasons why they joined. That tells me a lot more about them and about what made them join and remain loyal to the WT than whatever they claim they have learned from the WT. It also put their guards down since they see that I am listening to what they have to say, especially since they are talking about their own personal experiences. I don't interrupt, and I let them say everything and anything related to their story. I only stop them when their story starts becoming about them pushing their WT agenda, then I either redirect or stand my ground and tell them that it's my time to talk.
High chances are that what makes them rethink has nothing to do with the WT teachings and everything to do with what the WT makes them FEEL. Here are the most common present elements in people's stories, along with the feelings around them:
- The WT helped me make a difficult decisions (confusion, loneliness, uncertainty around leaving an abusive partner, stop using drugs, put their lives together, go through loss, etc.)
- The WT gave me hope about the state of affairs in the world (fear of the future, dissatisfaction with the way life/the world is, social struggles over discrimination, etc.)
- The WT gave me a place to belong to (loneliness)
- The WT told me that I can see my lost loved one again (sadness, depression over loss)
- The WT teaches me that we're the only ones with the only truth, and the only ones doing what's necessary to achieve eternal paradise on Earth (A way/reason to feel superior, feeding their egos)
- Soon all bad things in the world, even animals eating other animals, will end (sense of certainty about the future)
- The WT praises me for being in the right path (spiritual fulfillment)
In many cases, especially those who no matter what you tell them, they will continue to hold on to their Jehovah, there's not a single thing related to doctrine, teaching, history, events, the WT changing positions and teachings, elders getting arrested, none of that makes a dent, unless you address what keeps them holding on to the WT, which is their feelings.
Think about it, when people decide to join, there are a large number of things that they don't KNOW about the WT and their teachings, so what makes them stick is not what they learn, but what they feel. Furthermore, just look at most of the posts here from people who have left. Many still believe the JW nonsense but left due to something that makes them FEEL uncomfortable.
What I address is the fact that they are holding on to something harmful because they have obtained something that they find valuable, but the price they are paying for it is too high.