And one day, when they are forced to disavow some a long held teaching, whether it's 1914, blood transfusions, disfellowshiping or admit to the child abuse situation, they will find that quite a few may no longer want to turn up at construction sites ... and the GB will have to start paying for "worldly workers". And it would be terrible for them to withhold some "new light" just because their lake-side palace isn't quite finished.
And I actually do look forward the the AGMs and "new light". Not because I believe in, it but because I hoping that they one day they will say or change something that might get my family to start thinking. That all ... you got to have hope.
Well, hoping for that one day seems like a lot of waiting time for something that may or may not come. To me that looks like still playing by their rules, not to mention that it seems based on one and only one perspective about the whole thing, that is, trying to have an awakening based solely on what they teach.
In your original post you don't mention anything about your family, nor about your stance around your believes (or not) in them, nor about your relationship with the WT, hence my questions, and they were only questions, not meant to attack you.
Since there's an investment in your loved ones in that organization, then it's perfectly understandable that you may want certain things to happen to shake up your family's ties with them. Perfectly understandable. However, please keep an open mind, as there may be other ways in which people may wake up, not only by the Wt changing something.
Again, it's not only what the WT teaches what keep JWs being JWs; please consider what that organization gives them that makes them feel comfortable and at home. Whatever that is, for as long as they get that need satisfied, there may be not one change that they make that will have them question their faith.