1) The incomprehensibly vast size of the universe teaches how
insignificant our earth and all its inhabitants are (which means there is no
basis for anyone to feel self-important)
So size does matter after all? What does the size of the universe has to do with our relevance? How important a given person or thing is has no correlation with its relative size in comparison to something else. Physical dimensions has nothing to do quality of life or morals.
2) The way planets and stars act too teaches us humility! They move around
keeping to their orbits just like vehicles follow lane-discipline on a busy
express highway (as though submitting themselves to some unseen authority)
Interesting that you use man-made things (a highway) to explain the vastness of "God's" creation. So let me see if I understand what you are saying: planets that are (some of them) not even part of our own galaxy, that we can't see, that we have no access to, that we need to study advanced Astronomy, mathematics and physics to begin comprehending them, along with the rest of entities that we don't even know... that's supposed to teach us humility, an arbitrarily chosen concept of morality. Not to mention that suck knowledge is available for those who choose to look into it. Sounds a little off-the-wall to me.
3) Plants produce fragrant and
beautiful flowers and trees produce fruits for others to enjoy (not for
themselves). They too are living lessons of humility.
Prostitutes provide services to men (or women) in dire need of having sex. Drug dealers provide a great wealth of supplies for those who really need to get a fix. Are those lessons of humility too? Besides, go ahead and look for information about these plants:
Water Hemlock (Cicuta maculata)
Deadly Nightshade (Atropa belladonna)
White Snakeroot (Ageratina altissima)
Castor Bean (Ricinus communis)
Rosary Pea (Abrus precatorius)
Oleander (Nerium oleander)
Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)
and see how "joyful" what they produce is.
4) All the stories and histories written show
that those who pursued self-importance reaped misery in the end. [shows that all
the writers are somehow led by some imperceptible force to come to the same
conclusion that ultimately truth wins and ego fails]
Yeah, right. I guess that depends on which stories you read and what you want to pay attention to.
If you don’t see any lessons in those beings—inanimate and
animate, you can formulate your life in any way you like, and it is ok if it
makes you happy.
But for me, taking lessons of humility from them makes me
too happy, and those around me feel comfortable with me.
Yet, you need to come here to brag about it. Some humility. Classic passive/aggressive religious crap.