Over the years I have seen two df'ed for gossiping, and serval reproved. It's been a long time, since these happened!
Or so they said.
there goes at least half the elders wife's alot of the publishers.
Over the years I have seen two df'ed for gossiping, and serval reproved. It's been a long time, since these happened!
Or so they said.
there are two kingdom halls in two parts of the county i live in.
one is smaller and their are already about to begin work to replace with a new one.. just posting because i noticed posts saying their wasn't new khs being built.
and i learned this today from someone..
There are two Kingdom Halls in two parts of the county I live in. One is smaller and their are already about to begin work to replace with a new one.
Just posting because I noticed posts saying their wasn't new KHs being built. And I learned this today from someone.
Who gives a --it
"god bless us one and all.".
if you don't believe in god anymore, that's cool too.
for those of that mind set.
Enjoy the journey....
Thank you for this part. It has the right attitude about our lives.
14 years later.... wow...(<--- still doin' it)...just...wow.. was i a spitfire or what?!
totally out of control, shooting from the hip no holds barred posting s.o.b.. now, after a decade and a half: d8ta has evolved to galaxyd8ta 7.0!
improved features of 14 years of marriage, 2 kids, pass mid 40's, calm, collect, seasoned, 14 countries under my belt,.... ..... merry christmas!!!
You mean looking at people with them or wearing them?
Either way, thanks for the advice.
week starting december 26, 2016.
(isaiah 17:1) 17 the pronouncement against damascus: “look!
damascus removed from being a city, and she has become a heap, a decaying ruin.. .
The biggest turn off about pretty much every religion I know is the constant catastrophic view of everything. According to most religions, the world is never worth saving, people are bad and deserve to die, and even those living obediently are living out of mercy not because they deserve it, "god's" vengeance is always about destroying, killing or humiliating something or someone, and the hideous list of negativity goes on.
i recently spoke to an old friend of mine who is still under the clutches of the watchtower.
a while back, i had told him about all the child sex abuse coverups, false prophecies, false doctrines etc.
he was really shocked and surprised.
Like, is he braindead?
They are not braindead, they are brainwashed.
Now you can see how the WT is a negative influence in people. If you have another opportunity to talking to him, try a different tactic. A brainwashed, severely indoctrinated person may not react unless you address their feelings. Try inquiring about what really keeps him a JW, instead of trying to reason with him. You may get a different reaction if you look into what is that the WT brings to his life that gives him comfort.
i've done a few of these over the years but this time it's very simple.. beware jc, the bearded man who promises salvation and raises the hopes of many.
read his words of division if you're ever tempted to join his followers, or just ignore him and enjoy your life.
happy holidays everyone!
Merry Christmas to everyone.
there goes at least half the elders wife's alot of the publishers.
If gossiping was a D.Fing offence how many in your congro would be D.Fed?
hard to answer this questions for any Puerto Rican. Gossip (bochinche) is the number one activity in my culture. I guess that being an island there's nowhere else to go so people turn to each other.
That aside, I think gossip is the real way congregations are run. A lot of people are in denial about how effective a gossip related system helps maintaining control of the people in it. It's the perfect manipulation from the WT since they keep their people at bay by letting it happen and their hands are clean.
Do you notice how they have so strong hold of every single other aspect of people's behavior, education, life decisions, etc, but when it comes to gossip they address it only when it doesn't lead the way they want it to go? They do not attack gossiping in congregations as strongly as any other behavior, and that's because there's something valuable in it for their interest.
So to answer the question, gossip, especially the malicious, slanderous type is very common in every congregation, as it is part of the JW culture.
lm curious to know how others feel about this subject.for me its blatently obvious the gb make things up as time passes by and the sheep bow down with blind obedience without questioning.lts like the blind leading the blind..
Are jehovahs witnesses blood guilty for teaching and preaching false doctrine?
there is n o end to human initiative to bring a moments happiness.
i jus received this love and best wishes to ye all.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h965m0hkk5m.
Cute. Thanks for sharing.