Add to this the cuts of bethelite and special pioneers, the shrinking of the magazines sizes down to 16 pages, the magazines now being bi-monthly, the selling of bethel compounds, the consolidation of congregations in order to sell Kingdom Hall buildings, the constant asking for money, and you get a clear picture that things are not so well financially down at the supposed House of God.
I totally disagree. People are in such denial about what's really happening! Again, the WT has a real estate business. They no longer rely on preaching and publications, nor they have ever cared about their people. They now have a thriving real estate business. They made gazillions of startup money in their business by having all their KHs turned over to them.
All, each and every single decision they make is solely based on the fact that they have a different source of money making. Here's the contact info:
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.
Brooklyn Real Estate Office
25 Columbia Heights
Brooklyn, New York 11201
(718) 560-5001 Phone
(718) 560-5002 Fax
[email protected]
Poor of those who are still believing that the WT gives a rat's ass about them. Good luck, suckers.