Putting all humor aside, I think the writing is on the wall, they realize it, and they know it is not looking good, no matter how well they try to spin it. They can say all they want that "well, Jehovah is refining his organization." The only refining going on is people have had enough and they realize that "His Spirit" is no longer with them. They will only continue to have a downward spiral ahead of them.
Interesting post. The Trump nonsense related theme goes well with the WT. Both things are equally disturbing and nauseating. They deserve each other.
What I quoted from you caught my attention. I guess that speaking in a language that communicates well with them, I guess that a statement like that will make them think. But I wonder if they or any JW truly believes that the "Jehovah's" spirit will leave their organization leaving them in status quo.
I think it will be more powerful to show them where the WT is investing all their resources, along with finding a way of letting them know that they have been fooled, as they are no longer the WT's primary interest. Now that they have a better way of making money (they have a thriving real estate business) all that shift in focus is a business, not spiritual, not new light, not coming from "Jehovah", move.