she tries to commit suicide, and talked to the elders, she told my brother that and that shes gonna tell on him too.. She got df in AUGUST ( shes been reproved before) and its now JANUARY 2017.. She claims that she did tell, but because the elders didn't know what his hall was they couldn't do anything, is that a possibility?
Are you going to believe the words of a messed up suicidal woman that is no longer in a relationship with him? Who knows what/if she told anything to the elders. And at the end of the day, who cares.
I agree, I remember your question previously posted. No one can really tell you why the elders haven't talked to him. All we can do is guess at best.
As I suggested in your previous thread, this could be a great opportunity, as a loving sibling, to have a nice talk about responsible relationships and sex decision making with your brother. Rather than worrying about the elders, probably your brother may need support and guidance about making more responsible choices around sexting with a suicidal JW woman. The elders and the entire JW system will be more than happy to shame and shun him. He will have plenty of that. Support, love and understanding may be a little scarce for him in this situation.
How supporting of him are you?