...would it haunt your house?
If you don't think so, awesome, but if you do... What about the e-book???
Is your phone or tablet going to be haunted if you download it? Will you have bad luck if you do? Every time an occult e-book gets copied and downloaded, does a new demon get created to follow that copy around? So when you delete the file, are you killing it?
I'm just curious.
Interesting and excellent questions. I don't think it will haunt anything, physically or electronically. How could they explain the extent to which the "demons" will haunt? Will it haunt the device? the server where it resides? the entire network that carries all the bytes? the service provided?
Come to think of it, maybe my data plan is haunted; that may be why I pay too much for it
In a more serious note, I don't have a specific believe or non believe in things related to that subject. I don't feel that I am informed enough nor properly to establish an educated opinion. I use my logic and also completely disregard what the WT says about demons or objects being demon carriers or similar nonsense.
I'm curious now.