Since we were JWs at one time, has it influenced your view as to where your dead loved ones are now? I know many here do not believe in anything biblical but I’m curious as to whether you believe anyone is in heaven??
This is a very interesting topic. I have mentioned before that when it comes to God/god/"god"/higher power/something out there, I don't have a belief, I have an attitude about it. I think that the same applies to where are my lost loved ones.
I don't know, but I also don't care. I don't feel like it's worth repeating what those who are non-believer think about christian and other religious believes regarding lost loved ones (or anybody else who has passed away for that matter).
I know that losing a loved one (I have lost a few) is painful, and I want to believe that their lives and the mark that they left in my life matter. And I guess I wish I knew that they are happy and ok if they are somewhere. That's the extend of how much I think about it. I celebrate their lives and the time that I had the opportunity of sharing with them.
I'm also sensitive, mindful and respectful of others who have different believes (or non-believes). Coping with their loss is very entangled with those believes, and I'm no one to mess with how others cope with losing a loved one. That's not the time or place for me to make a point or "being right".