JoinedTopics Started by wolverines
Tony Morris was right
by wolverines ini have no love loss for the gb or religion and this is not an apologist attempt.
in fact i hate the religion and the gb.
but i watch night after night young kids who's minds have been corrupted by the propaganda and dogma that modern college's are teaching them.
I was wondering how this would play out in JW land.
by wolverines ini have a niece who is trying to get pregnant.
she was telling me her husband had to go to a room with porn in it and masturbate into a cup to get tested.
i never thought of this before but but how would a jw handle this.
I just watched No Safe Spaces Recomend this to all
by wolverines inthis is a great movie.
it documents how dangerous the left is.
its on the verge of destroying the country.
Post your experiance with JWs who did not save for retirement and had to work or live off off SS till death
by wolverines inbut one i remember was a full on dyed in the wool believer how was a farmer.
around 1975 he sold his farm moved his family to a very rural place and waited for the end to come.
he ended up working for his brother in law hanging drywall.
Environmentalist changes mind on apocalyptic global warming
by wolverines inso he comes out of the movement and says this has become much less about environmentalism and more about trying to turn the world to marxism.
we have seen this in the blm, antifa and other so called movements that are a thin mask for the real goal.
and we know marxism has killed more people then the plague.
Did you ever know a JW who was political?
by wolverines inone black sister would always slam the jews when there was anything on the radio or tv about the palestinian's.
i knew others who had other ideas that were strange and not neutral as we were told to be.
the black sister would dress like she was from africa in a dashiki robe from time to time.
Oil is solar
by wolverines inoil and gas are from organisms plants and animal that used sunlight for food.
so in essence we are all running solar.