A ditto almost to the T of our own experience -
I truly feel for those here who are not yet joined by their spouses / partners.
Now go and enjoy a REAL life !
i wanted to write my experience on how my husband helped me see the ttatt (the truth about the truth).
first, let me mention that he wrote his own experience a couple months ago under the name sanchy.
for his story please click here….. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5148261828526080/walking-thin-line-resigning-elder
A ditto almost to the T of our own experience -
I truly feel for those here who are not yet joined by their spouses / partners.
Now go and enjoy a REAL life !
in his last couple of vlogs, john cedars is wearing a t-shirt saying shunned.
some people liked it and asked him if they could purchase one.. in his last vlog (#111) he is advertising it and mentioned the link www.apostee.com, based in the us.
comments attached to vlog # 110 mentioned the fact that this company will close in april and that the business will be continued by cedars itself, who has also a stock of anti-witness items.. besides that, he was not the owner of jwsurvey.org, but since january 16, 2016 he is.. it looks (as mentioned before by simon in an earlier thread), this guy is making a living from his activism, a paid career.. one should seriously question his true motives, demonstrated in his activism.
The impression I got from your posting this topic is some kind of bitterness ....as if as an apostate he is now expected to tow a certain party line - which puts you in danger of spawning the next cult - tall Poppy etc etc .However that is probably not what you really intended - its just the impression I got.
He has not sworn a vow of poverty and if he gets a $ for his efforts that's his trip -
We ARE ALL IMPERFECT - he carries the accountability for his own life - Lets move on man !
WT is a commercial organisation too and many are creaming it selling WT paraphernalia including dating sites Accommodation for Bethel pilgrimages and bus-tours etc - There is no evil in that either.
Don't be offended !
so since i have not been to any meetings in like 2 months because of health issues, i had to decide what to do about the memorial.
my health has improved quite a bit and i feel much better than i did 2 months ago.
i could still have used the "not feeling well" card and stay home.
back in the early 60s the phrase .
"the new world society..." was used a lot to promote assemblies and even congregations.
of course no new world has come but that saying appears to have been quietly buried along with any hope of a new world..
today, sunday, my son and i returned from a real estate investor meeting that we attend once a month with other active investors.
we discussed our latest projects, financing needs, advertising and so on.
we meet at 11:00 and don't usually get done before 2:00 pm and today was no different.
PTN PaintedToeNail - we were also assumed to be very unhappy and miserable since we left [saw this on a JW family members SMS to another family member !] - The very opposite is the reality ! Of course now that they have seen that our lives are so busy and full they are more miserable than ever !
That brochure is very condescending.
BTW we did NOT get the official visit and invite to "come back" ....to Jehovah [which is another presumption ..."why did you leave Jehovah? " ..........this is how it is stated !]
My stock answer now is: "Listen ..if you can logically explain the Overlapping Generations teaching from the scriptures ...I may rethink things ! " ........[like hell I will ] but they NEVER respond to that challenge - they cant and its so sad ! I too was there once.
hello friends - here is a new area in the kids section of the jw website - learn how to draw rahab.. 1st - she was a prostitute of jericho.
could there be other characters to talk about with our kids?.
2nd - it says "learn how to draw rahab".
DJS........the discussion is Rahab ...not Rehab ! [lol]
and we are suposed to trust these guys with our lives?
I have just done a mass - mail out of this well written expose' to all Dubs [all in ] on my mailing list - which includes Bethelites -
Next step are the Newspapers - Maybe, just maybe a journo will bite and run with an article on it !
let's set aside our differences for the moment and appreciate this excellent documentary cedars put together that should prove to be an invaluable tool in helping to expose the child abuse issues in the organization.. i was humbled to be able to help with this project on such an important subject, though my part in it was insignificant..
february 2016 study watchtower"prove yourself loyal to jehovah" - week of april 18th to 24th"15. if a brother treats us unfairly, how should we react?
15 in congregations of jehovah’s people today, it is very unlikely that we would be treated unjustly.
however, those taking the lead among us are imperfect men and could misinterpret our actions.
I am now very afraid that I will start physically harming any JW who tries to get heavy with me over the stance I now hold in life - I am already in anger management for aggression related Directly to this cult -
It was not good for me to read this - it has just triggered this maelstrom in my brain -
"put up or shut up" is what they advocate here right ?