ADVANCED WARNING - April 18th to 24th WT Study

by Nicholaus Kopernicus 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Nicholaus Kopernicus
    Nicholaus Kopernicus
    FEBRUARY 2016 STUDY WATCHTOWER"Prove Yourself Loyal to Jehovah" - Week of April 18th to 24th
    "15. If a brother treats us unfairly, how should we react?
    15 In congregations of Jehovah’s people today, it is very unlikely that we would be treated unjustly. However, those taking the lead among us are imperfect men and could misinterpret our actions. (1 Sam. 1:13-17) If we are ever misjudged or misunderstood, let us remain loyal to Jehovah."

    In the above paragraph, it is "those taking the lead" who are gently alluded to as being the perpetrators. There is no admonition for "those taking the lead" to acknowledge their wrong doing and apologise to their victims. No. The answer is for the victims to "remain loyal to Jehovah" (code for sticking with the organisation). That the perpetrators' unjust treatment of others is discounted to that of misjudged or misunderstood is evasion to put it mildly. I have experience of direct bullying on the part of BoE members, and I have knowledge of others being brought to tears such has been the truly wanton and egregious conduct of some on the BoE. This behaviour is tolerated by others on the BoE who do not challenge the situation and thus enable continuance. CO visits are useless in terms of correcting or assuaging the situation. What I and others have experienced cannot be explained away by their misjudging or misunderstanding. These ones taking the lead have behaved like Annas in having Jesus persecuted. Would the writing committee of the GBoJW seek to mitigate what Annas perpetrated by saying that he had merely misjudged or misunderstood Jesus? Annas' actions were carefully planned and contrived. He was in a position of authority in a hierarchy focussed on itself and preserving it's own authority. Annas was a thug. Additionally, the paragraph states that it is "very unlikely that we would be treated unjustly"! I just wonder how many on this forum can agree with such a claim. I for one cannot. Too many bad experiences over the years evidencing that abuse and bullying is now intrinsic to life in "Jehovah's Organisation"!
    When this study comes along in April, I will either have to abstain from attending regardless of what family think, or simply egress during that paragraph being read/discussed. It's a small paragraph, but one which seriously irritates.

    FEBRUARY 2016 STUDY WATCHTOWER"Prove Yourself Loyal to Jehovah" - Week of April 18th to 24th
    "15. If a brother treats us unfairly, how should we react?
    15 In congregations of Jehovah’s people today, it is very unlikely that we would be treated unjustly.

    ........................My JW Children Shun Me..

    .....................I Never See My Grandchildren..

    ..............Image result for WTF


    Isn't the spirit behind "taking the lead" synonymous with setting an example? Don't Xians aspire to imitate the faith of those who have fine conduct? Isn't fine conduct the barometer for who an Xian considers as "taking the lead"?

    Also, where are Xians admonished to ignore wrongdoing and be obedient to those who fail to properly "take the lead" by setting a bad example? Isn't that "obedience" relative?

    This article, which I won't be reading, is no doubt a one-sided STFU reminder for the sheeple who's opinions do not matter. Sure the Eldubs always say, "We are accountable to Jehovah.", but that statement has no teeth. "Wait on Jehovah", means STFU, make all the meetings, go in service, give $$$, ignore serious issues and how dare you even mention such things, and eventual death from old age.


  • prologos
    Their holinesses are never wrong, not even the local "glorious ones" . blame the the r&f for 1975. I guess Uriah should have put a chastity belt on Bathsheba, locked the lid to the roof, his fault. and don't forget, all this is for "J--" to test our loyalty, to see what is really in our hearts., prove satan a liar. so: just do more service to cure your problems. Very good points in the OP and comments.
  • freemindfade
    The "one true religion" tool so effectively used by a cult.
  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim
    No, they are never wrong, never.
  • steve2

    Where is the strong admonition for the elders to stop hiding behind "human imperfection" and lift their game?

    Certainly not in the Watchtower.

    The biggest excuse in the organization has to be "human imperfection". They cite Paul's frequent comments about the early leaders of the Christians. Excuses pure and simple.

    The OP is correct: Even if one or two elders on the BoE think their fellow elders are unjustly treating members of the congregation, they seldom speak up to effect change. And CO's come, make their (predictable) recommendations and then go.

    Nothing changes. Hiding being "human imperfection" is the name of the game. When this happens in the churches of Christendom, you never ever hear a JW say, "Well they're imperfect humans just like us". Instead, you get strong judgements and condemnation of the clergy and pastors.

  • brandnew

    In other words "shut up , and deal with it !!!!!! Rank and file turd!!!!". All bad

    Mad Puppy

  • BluesBrother
    Same article, par 17:
    " Let us prove our loyalty to Jehovah by being loyal to his people, even those who may disappoint us. "

    So once again, any deviation from their organization is seen as a deviation from God..Who are they to make such extravagant claims? Perhaps instead , they should remind their Elders of Jesus' words
    Luke 12:48" Indeed, everyone to whom much was given, much will be demanded of him, and the one who was put in charge of much will have more than usual demanded of him."If they believe that, they would act with more humility....
  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim
    They are sure playing the ''obey card' with this one.

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