Lovely Poem for your campaign !
Don't say too much ! Have you ever seen the glazing-over of the eyes of a Dub whose core beliefs have just been challenged ? And be sure to direct them to a source of good info: eg JW-Facts/
alright, so i posted earlier this week about my desire to put together some sort of campaign to target the friends and family that shun us before the regional convention part on shunning.
my goal is to produce a postcard that can be mailed out to those that shun us to contrast shunning and love before it is cemented in their minds this summer.
i want to make them think twice.
Lovely Poem for your campaign !
Don't say too much ! Have you ever seen the glazing-over of the eyes of a Dub whose core beliefs have just been challenged ? And be sure to direct them to a source of good info: eg JW-Facts/
the resurrection is supposed to be a joyous occasion?, if it ever happened!
--well, this week's showing at the hall was the opposite, it was about death with violins playing in the background.
a recently bereaved member, , full of tears, (like many others) could not contain herself.
my spies seem a bit confused.
here, in this neck of the woods 3 congregations had 3 separate sittings.
the attendance seemed to be swelling.
With multiple sittings you often have some going to other congregations to get the early or later sitting etc so it skews the figures and in my neck of the woods there is a school vacation over this time so many have travelled to other locales.
I don't think we must fixate on memorial attendance numbers at all as being any indicator of anything lest we fall into a similar trap.
during the wt study yesterday i had a confused look on my face the whole meeting.
more of a, wtf, face.
one paragraph says, "therefore,the number of partakers does not accurately indicate the number of anointed ones left on earth.".
its a short anonymous survey - perhaps you would like to contribute 5 minutes- .
via: icsa (international cultic studies association).
""i'm passing on the message below from a duke university student who is conducting a research study that has gone through the duke institutional review board.
during the wt study yesterday i had a confused look on my face the whole meeting.
more of a, wtf, face.
one paragraph says, "therefore,the number of partakers does not accurately indicate the number of anointed ones left on earth.".
I am going to throw my hand in with the side speculating that the Stat is going to be dropped - its annual egg on their faces.
Even still-in's are quipping : " The little flock is becoming the Great Crowd" -
its a short anonymous survey - perhaps you would like to contribute 5 minutes- .
via: icsa (international cultic studies association).
""i'm passing on the message below from a duke university student who is conducting a research study that has gone through the duke institutional review board.
Its a short anonymous survey - perhaps you would like to contribute 5 minutes-
Via: ICSA (International Cultic Studies Association)
""I'm passing on the message below from a Duke University student who is conducting a research study that has gone through the Duke Institutional Review Board. If you are interested, a link to her survey is pasted below.
Michael Langone, PhD
Executive Director - ICSA""
"Hello everyone! I am currently a senior at Duke University studying global health and sociology. I was a member of a cultic group for many years, but I was able to disaffiliate about two years ago. It was a difficult process, but I am doing better now. After speaking with several individuals with similar painful experiences and reading many testimonies, I have been inspired to do something to help. This year, I have the opportunity of working on a research project (for my senior thesis) that is trying to better understand the different types of social experiences people have after leaving cults/new religious movements in order to find more practical ways to help support people during the readjustment process. I have created a survey to ask about these experiences, which has been approved by the Institutional Review Board at Duke University. This electronic survey consists of yes/no, multiple choice, and scaled questions, and it is open to anyone who is a former member of a cult or new religious movement. The survey will be completely anonymous and does not collect any identifying information. It takes about 15 minutes to complete.
The link to the survey is:
If you are someone who disaffiliated from a cult or New Religious Movement, you are more than welcome to take the survey. I would be truly grateful for your time and participation. I am excited to learn from the data I collect and use it to design research-based interventions in the future. Once again, this survey is open to anyone who is a former member of a cult or new religious movement, and there are no other requirements. Please feel free to share the link! Thank you so much. "
"Dont play in the Yellow snow where the Huskies go"
warning of a long boring post ahead.
i feel like i need to vent my story out, as i feel quite helpless at the moment.. i'm 31 year old, married, father of toddler with another one on the way, due later this month.
i've been serving as elder for about 4 years now in a south florida congregation.
And now she has seen the TTATT and is with you hand in hand ! Congrats to you both !
i wanted to write my experience on how my husband helped me see the ttatt (the truth about the truth).
first, let me mention that he wrote his own experience a couple months ago under the name sanchy.
for his story please click hereā¦..
A ditto almost to the T of our own experience -
I truly feel for those here who are not yet joined by their spouses / partners.
Now go and enjoy a REAL life !