- Step 1 - When this individual asks a question that you consider to be personal and unnecessary for work make the comment "Wow, that's personal" and say nothing else. Unless this person is deficient in emotional intelligence, that should be the end of the conversation.
- Step 2 - If that didn't work and this person again begins to pry, look them directly in the eye and state that " I don't feel comfortable talking about my personal life in a professional setting." This will remind him of where you both are at and will establish that he has crossed a boundary and should retreat from that position.Again, this only works if this individual has the EQ to realize that his inquires are unacceptable in a professional environment.
- Step 3 - At this point you need to make a decision: is this person genuinely trying to be friendly and failing at the attempt, or are they attempting to use their position to potentially bully you for information? If you believe it's the former, have a brief conversation with them in a private area where you bluntly, but politely, inform them that you have no desire to extend your social / religious relationship beyond this boundary. Use the "it's nothing against you" line if you have to but ensure that they understand that you aren't going to be anything more than co-worshippers .
- Leave this Cult !
:" Humor. Answer while doing an impression of a GB member.""" Uncle Stephen Lett impressions !!!!