I have always danced to a different drummer as they say. So as much as they liked to control me , I did do things my own way. I did not break rules or do anything naughty mind you. But they for one put so many obstacles in my way so I could not be a regular pioneer from day one. I the rebel , thought no they will not control mein something which is a good work. So gathered my weapons and did overkill on all the qualifies you to be one and some more so that their hands would be tied to object from me becoming appointed as a regular pioneer. ( seems so silly now and futile). Ultimately they had to, with unhappy faces appoint me.I was used so much by the BOE of other congregations , at all assemblies and Bethel since then that my BOE had to acknowledge I was doing so well in the field. I looked good in their report cards so why not?
Lots of other ways I made them bend my way and not control me .Actually I controlled them when it came to me.Lol.
Should have awakened then?......