Last but not the least never to announce/advertise special events to the general public but should be privately shared to members only perhaps.
is there a way?
these madmen go into soft areas knowing they only will have firepower to inflict their damage.
i think people better start thinking ahead about what they can do to protect themselves..
Last but not the least never to announce/advertise special events to the general public but should be privately shared to members only perhaps.
is there a way?
these madmen go into soft areas knowing they only will have firepower to inflict their damage.
i think people better start thinking ahead about what they can do to protect themselves..
I think forearmed is best and :
1. installing security cameras
2.hire security officers to perform access control.
Protective/Guard Services
The general categories here (in frequency of use) are:
Day-to-day facility/campus security guards.
Dedicated to property management, access control, people management and incident response.
Special event security.
Higher-level services for special events, Holidays, weddings, parties and more. An officer with a concealed weapon.
3.should have more comprehensive procedures that also include active intruder response, suspicious package response and more.
4. security training for non-security personnel.
The basics you’ll want to cover are emergency response and general security awareness. It’s also useful to cover things like verbal compliance and verbal management of aggressive behavior.
5.Get to know your local law enforcement agency, get to know the captain, the lieutenants, the sergeants and the patrol officers. Offer your facility during off-hours (usually overnight) for them to train in. Make it known to the patrol officers that they can drop by any time they need a bathroom break or a cup of coffee (trust me, this one is going to be very appreciated).
Not only will the regular presence of law enforcement officers provide a good preventive security measure but when you have a security incident, you’ll find them very responsive and familiar with your facility or campus.
found this on facebook.
actvism campaign during convention dates in london.
huge turnout last year.. zing.
Found this on facebook. Actvism campaign during convention dates in london. Huge turnout last year.
or why jws are immune to insight.
this week's midweek meeting bible reading 1 cor.
14 " it is a disgrace for woman to speak".
All the women posting comments here...Did you get your husbands permission to post here?
a must read update to darkspilvers subpeona.
reddit has joined the eff's effort to fight the jehovah's witness organization, watchtower bible & tract society, who subpoenaed redditor darkspilver's identity using tenuous claims of copyright infringement.. set to go live in 5 hours!
Read about it here too
a must read update to darkspilvers subpeona.
reddit has joined the eff's effort to fight the jehovah's witness organization, watchtower bible & tract society, who subpoenaed redditor darkspilver's identity using tenuous claims of copyright infringement.. set to go live in 5 hours!
A must read update to Darkspilvers subpeona
Reddit has joined the EFF's effort to fight the Jehovah's Witness organization, Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, who subpoenaed Redditor Darkspilver's identity using tenuous claims of copyright infringement.
Set to go live in 5 hours!
or why jws are immune to insight.
this week's midweek meeting bible reading 1 cor.
14 " it is a disgrace for woman to speak".
God gave them both free will,to obey /disobey is a choice too.they chose to use their freewill and ate of the fruit, god chooses to punish them for using their freewill ! Pray tell me is it fair?
or why jws are immune to insight.
this week's midweek meeting bible reading 1 cor.
14 " it is a disgrace for woman to speak".
Wise woman 1.Abigail acted quickly and coz of her actions a lot of bloodshed was stopped from happening. Whereas Nabal is stated as "good for nothing". his name means fool and folly goes with him says 1 Samuel 25:25
2. god said to Abraham to listen to his wife Sarah
3.Ruth acted wisely and thus bagged Boaz(not mean to be offensive).
All of these women are forgotten.
When they need insignificant jobs done then women are praised mentioned as "capable woman" (proverbs) , compared to Sarah, hospitality like Martha etc. All this so women can slave for the men at gatherings...cook, clean, wash and look after cildren so the wannabee men can sit around looking like important men !
I have seen it all in my congregation. it is disgusting.
did your conscience ever bother you when you were counseling/reproving/disfellowshipping ones in the congregation?
did it feel extreme or justified based on your biblical understanding at the time.
also are there any ex-elders here that dealt with child abuse accusations?
How about this one ? a couple friend of mine pretty spiritual and did all for Jehovah,looked up by many, brought many into the "truth", very active. One time the husband was approached by a very young baptised brother for help for which he had to travel to another country.He went for 3 weeks to hep this bro out. Wife was on her own for 3 weeks, happens all the time in the world.But no, not with this cult. As soon as the hubby was back 2 eldumbs counseled him privately about leaving wife alone and going away for 3 weeks. Do not understand the logic but there it is. This was counseling from a eldumb whose wife always goes away for over a month on her own at least 3 times a year.
Sadly, they came and told me coz could not see any fairness or logic and neede to vent..the eldumbs reflected that thier relationship was on shaky grounds, sign of spiritual weakness!!! You tell me how is this any sign of something wrong between a couple? So all that they did spiritual together n for god was made null n void .Just that 3 weeks of being away from each other (for a specific reason) was the defining point ! well done eldumbs, you really are dumb.
My friends are still in.
request from a member of the board.. worldwide department of real estate.
Wow I did not know this existed! Thanks for sharing . What other gems do you have up your sleeve Atlantis!