Someone told me that the Anti christ could turn wine into water! Better have my Antipasta n wine before the Anti christ turns up at my doorstep!
antichrist - nwt p. 1693 glossary of bible terms - "all people, organizations, or groups that falsely claim to represent christ....can properly be called antichrists.
well this proves that the org can't be the antichrist, because they've never claimed to represent christ - only jehovah!
's can now breathe a sigh of relief)
Someone told me that the Anti christ could turn wine into water! Better have my Antipasta n wine before the Anti christ turns up at my doorstep!
antichrist - nwt p. 1693 glossary of bible terms - "all people, organizations, or groups that falsely claim to represent christ....can properly be called antichrists.
well this proves that the org can't be the antichrist, because they've never claimed to represent christ - only jehovah!
's can now breathe a sigh of relief)
I am going to start with the Antipasta first with some red-wine please.
staff in a takeaway were offended by two lesbians' full-on kissing and expressed their opinion about the behaviour.
the lesbians complained to police that a "hate crime" was committed.. homosexual or heterosexual - do it in private, it's not a spectator sport or a public statement.. minority groups can invoke police action if they are "offended," but society in general cannot do likewise.. why has "being offended" been turned into a hate crime in the uk?
who is pushing this agenda?.
The other day I read a news where this couple got into a fight with the staff of a food vendor (dont know what the proper word is) just coz they had run out of chicken sandwiches! they were throwing whatever they could get their hands on, at the staff over the counter. Unbelieveable. We are still evolving !!! For the worse; at least some of us are!
staff in a takeaway were offended by two lesbians' full-on kissing and expressed their opinion about the behaviour.
the lesbians complained to police that a "hate crime" was committed.. homosexual or heterosexual - do it in private, it's not a spectator sport or a public statement.. minority groups can invoke police action if they are "offended," but society in general cannot do likewise.. why has "being offended" been turned into a hate crime in the uk?
who is pushing this agenda?.
In todays day n age the victim is made the criminal , who is dragged through mud , hell n back. People know how to misuse /abuse freedom. people believe in "I have all my rights to defend my rights, but while doing so I will conveniently walk all over your rights".
Some people feel threatened if anything is different then what’s in their own “belief bubble”...
Heaven forbid if there is more than one perspective on a issue ...I will stomp on you until you accept mine ...
Bottom line... pride .. bullying ... insecurity.. sick
I think insecurities. Pure and simple.
If one is secure, he is comfortable with himself, and others.
Something definitely needs to change.
when a person is guilty and worthy of punishment, the judgment ‘will already have been bound in heaven jesus said and if they are loosed or innocent it will already have been “loosed in such judicial deliberations, jesus says, “where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there i am in their midst.” .
psalm 127:3.. children are a sacred trust, “an inheritance from jehovah.
jws abhor child abuse and view it as a crime.its recognized that the authorities are responsible for addressing such crimes.jws do not shield any perpetrator of child abuse from the authorities as has been alleged.
Alex says "Reading responses its clear some are being distracted from the ultimate prize which is life as Adam knew it.Instead of focusing on whats ahead and keeping active like Jesus"
Sorry to say you yourself are 1) looking back to ADAM and JESUS. (Practice what you preach).
2) "evils supposedly committed " You say!
So the courts , judges in all the 1000's of child abuse cases that sent these men after hearing both sides and seeing evidence, to prison terms for their crimes are all morons. According to you the crime was supposedly committed. Wow, I cant believe how dense you are !
In other words you will believe anything the world reports about other religious entities as true but never Jdumb world ! There is documents after documents to prove it all mate.
By the way matey did you know that the WBTS has been paying millions of dollars ,your org's members hard earned donations towards lawsuits all over America,Mexico, Spain, Canada etc.? Does your Jdumb website ever list these lawsuits as news from the world? No ! Why ? Can you answer this???
Have fun wasting your life, time ,energies n money into this org.
Just one news from 1000's:
For Jose Lopez, it took almost three decades to find some semblance of justice after he’d been molested – when he was 7 – by a predator who’d operated within a congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in San Diego.
When his case against the Witnesses concluded in October, a judge awarded Lopez $13.5 million, a remarkably large sum in an era of frequent payouts in abuse cases. During the case, Lopez said his mother reported his abuse to the elders in 1986, but they didn’t call police or warn the congregation. Lopez and his mother left the religion soon after.
Even as the abuser, Gonzalo Campos, continued to sexually assault children, the elders promoted him within the congregation, first to ministerial servant in 1988, then to elder in 1993, according to a 1995 letter from elders to the Watchtower.
In 1994, John and Manuela Dorman learned that Campos had abused their son a decade earlier, court documents show. They called Campos, who confessed and said the elders already were aware of the situation. When Manuela Dorman went to the elders, they told her not to talk about the abuse. They said too much time had passed, and nothing could be done.(
The bible is a two edged sword so think deeply n seriously on this verse Psalms 146:3 " Do not put your trust in princes, Nor in a son of man, who cannot bring salvation"
when a person is guilty and worthy of punishment, the judgment ‘will already have been bound in heaven jesus said and if they are loosed or innocent it will already have been “loosed in such judicial deliberations, jesus says, “where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there i am in their midst.” .
psalm 127:3.. children are a sacred trust, “an inheritance from jehovah.
jws abhor child abuse and view it as a crime.its recognized that the authorities are responsible for addressing such crimes.jws do not shield any perpetrator of child abuse from the authorities as has been alleged.
Alex N Mrthic
Did you know that all the hard earned money , then contributed to the WTS is being spent in fulfilling lawsuits all round the world? (Wonder why they do not publish thisin their news from around the world section on their website?...Any responses mates???? hmmmm)
Heres one :
This is official not fake. Some more coming your way n I dare you to refute that with evidence not small talk or claims.
I have noticed that you do not respond to comments or counter arguements put to you.That in itself is a sign of defeat coz you do not have an answer for them.
Enjoy counting time n Rv's.
None at all coz I have my plate full of other problems to deal with closer to home n with family, health, finance etc.What happens to the world will happen to me too, I cant escape it by worrying. But ofcourse I do conscienciously do all I can to make this planet a better place by taking care of how I live n the surroundings.
I recycle as much as possible, I donate as much as possible, pick up litter, plastic ,cans etc walking down the street. We have a group of volunteers who go around our town once or twice a month picking up litter, cleaning places where people throw trash.
We go around collecting fruit n vege's from people who have had a too much harvest n want to get shut of the bounty. We take this and share it to the homeless.
I plant trees on special days in the year in memory of loved ones.
I make little homes for birds,n other animals so that they can find a place to live (not large animals though).If I find any animal in need I look after it.
I try not to waste energy, fuel, needlessly. I try to walk to places or bike it.
I try to reuse everything in innovative ways that they dont get thrown out jsut after one use.It is exhausting but the satisfaction of saving the planet in my little ways is par everything else.
Its a long list of things I do in my way .May not be helping global warming or otherwise but yes trying to conserve n waste less.
Sorry if its too long.
what are your thoughts on that?.
Hey , I would just say "I am not looking to date anyone at this given time, so sorry" .I have done this when I was PIMI, PIMO as well. It works for me even POMO with people I have no interest in1
when a person is guilty and worthy of punishment, the judgment ‘will already have been bound in heaven jesus said and if they are loosed or innocent it will already have been “loosed in such judicial deliberations, jesus says, “where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there i am in their midst.” .
psalm 127:3.. children are a sacred trust, “an inheritance from jehovah.
jws abhor child abuse and view it as a crime.its recognized that the authorities are responsible for addressing such crimes.jws do not shield any perpetrator of child abuse from the authorities as has been alleged.
Alex : So if one is truly repentant he should still be DFd,
Oh wow! Goes to show how little you know ! Did you not read in the child abuse cases that those who comitted the crimes did it not just once or twice (again not undermining the crime by the numbers game) many times often the victim being the 1) same child again n again, 2) other kids as well; even after they had been reported to the elders and needing the needful to be done; coz they are supposed to be a refuge and a protection for the flock.
Does that define as repentence to you mate committing the crime again n again ?
Recently I read about an elder who had committed this crime with 50 children! Appalling n disgraceful!
So for you even the bible holds no authority but your own little bubble of a world coz 1Corinthians 5:2 says in no uncertain terms " that the man who committed this deed should be taken away from your midst".
What does this verse mean to you?
Next , if God is the one to forgive all kinds of serious sins if there is repentance, why was King David punished n his household?? Was he not repentant?
Jdumb website says :"David was heartbroken, and he admitted to Nathan: ‘I have sinned against Jehovah.’ This sin brought a lot of trouble on David and his family. Jehovah punished David but allowed him to live because he was honest and humble."
here is the link:[search_id]=742278b7-39cc-487e-b13c-0d431fefb32c&insight[search_result_index]=2
“The one covering over his transgressions will not succeed, but whoever confesses and abandons them will be shown mercy.”—Proverbs 28:13
True God shows mercy but crime does not go unpunished; eg of David. I have lots to say to you coz your comments n posts are so full of holes which tells me you are not researching things outside the jdumb world. You have a lot to learn if you free your mind, mate.
My suggestion go and do search out everything whether these things that we talk about is true or not.Be like the Beroens, they just did not accept whatever was told to them, but examined, researched the truth. I invite you to do the same mate---- 1John 4:1 "Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired statement, but test the inspired statements to see whether they originate with God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world."
There is nothing wrong or sinful in doing so.
i have worked at chelmsford .
everybody seems so happy, but i couldn’t help wondering why all these volunteers give up their time and money, working for free for the future bethelites to live in such luxury .
all all the volunteers working there now will be kicked out on the street next year, with the lucky few laughing at the poor suckers who irked for free making this new bethel so amazing .
Val, you are a loser coz you could not walk the walk. You made the claim about helicopters, BBQ and all other BS# , YOU MADE A COP-OUT with cant take pics.Why not? are you and the bethel CIA, MI5? I have taken pics when in bethel (yes really i have givne a few years of my life to bethel service!) at social gatherings, etc with big shots.
You claimed " Ask me anything ,I am happy to prove it".
You failed ,you lose.
You lose YOU CANT WALK THE WALK, Mophead.
Dont make claims you cant prove!