JoinedPosts by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara
Annual Mtg Points
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara inmatt 28: 19 is the year text.
new understanding on joel ch 2 who are the locusts?.
there is a new building addition to warwick in the works.
Annual Mtg Points
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara inmatt 28: 19 is the year text.
new understanding on joel ch 2 who are the locusts?.
there is a new building addition to warwick in the works.
Matt 28: 19 is the year text
New understanding on joel ch 2 who are the locusts?
There is a new building addition to Warwick in the works. The building will house 1000 audiovisual and art production volunteers. The building will be completed by 2026...Ever expanding building projects does not mean end is nigh but that these bluilding will be used even after the big A
Faithful and prudent slave is officially being used now in some congregations.
New release of the bible NT
Enjoy being in the info
Serious question!
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara inhow would you answer:.
how can you change or improve an individuals dominant mental attitude?.
How would you answer:
How can you change or improve an individuals dominant mental attitude?
News from the 2019 Annual Meeting
by RubaDub inthe annual meeting (2019) is happening as i am posting this.. any comments yet or information from what is being presented?.
rub a dub.
First n last I heard the year text is Matthew 28:19 go therefore n make disciples.
Is the Watchtower God's Organization?
by Atlantis inwatchtower 1953, may 1st, pg.284, par.16.
16 is the watch tower bible and tract society god’s woman or universal organization?
scan: https://docdro.id/qiltnwd: .
@The Fall Guy3 hours a
revealing the wrongdoing of others to those who should know about such actions.
When I bold printed the phrases, ie : when the elders/ csa victim's should have reported to the police but stay mute as a stone wall. Elders to save face/ gb's orders or whatever....victims just following orders/obeying the boe's or whatever.
I did not mean that people need tobe snitches but wrongs/ crimes need to be reported to the police. added to this the Gar-Bage held back the data required by the courts in one of the lawsuits.
Obviously you did not pay much attention to what I stated in my remarks. Hope it si cleared up.
Is the Watchtower God's Organization?
by Atlantis inwatchtower 1953, may 1st, pg.284, par.16.
16 is the watch tower bible and tract society god’s woman or universal organization?
scan: https://docdro.id/qiltnwd: .
But after all those references, here's one Washtowel 85 5/1
"Certainly no reasonable person will argue that the highly organized governments of today, even those of Christendom, are God’s organization or even a part of it. No one could prove it even by appealing to the words of the apostle Paul at Romans 13:1, 2: “There is no authority, save by God, And they that are in being have by God been arranged,—So that he who rangeth himself against the authority Against the arrangement of God opposeth himself.” (Rotherham)"
So when washtowel refused to handover data for days in CSA lawsuits, they were going against the arrangement fo god, dont you think??
When they refuse to allow people to report to the police about Csa then who are they really going against??
So what can we conclude after reading this!!!
Is the Watchtower God's Organization?
by Atlantis inwatchtower 1953, may 1st, pg.284, par.16.
16 is the watch tower bible and tract society god’s woman or universal organization?
scan: https://docdro.id/qiltnwd: .
Sorry I am late, had to put the coffee stained shirt in the wash ! Atlantis you were right!
More BS.... Washtowel 85 11/15 Titled Do Not Share In the Sins Of Others says:
"In today’s world, covering over the wrongdoing of others is a general practice. Many are as mute as a stone wall when it comes to revealing the wrongdoing of others to those who should know about such actions. It requires strength of Christian personality to inform appointed elders of the serious sin of a fellow believer. But if we are to have Jehovah’s favor, we must not let personal friendship blind us to the wrongdoing of another individual."
But they do just the opposite of what they print. They have kept silent to the abuse cases of wrongdoing , therby becoming accomplices to the crime! Moreover whoever has tried to reveal matters to others is being labelled as an apostate and shunned !
Hell No again, Not gods organization by any stretch of the imagination!
Is the Watchtower God's Organization?
by Atlantis inwatchtower 1953, may 1st, pg.284, par.16.
16 is the watch tower bible and tract society god’s woman or universal organization?
scan: https://docdro.id/qiltnwd: .
Further more It further says about Boe's "Appointed overseers in the Christian congregation were not masters over fellow believers. Rather, they were “fellow workers” who followed the direction of God’s spirit, and they were expected to be “examples to the flock.”
But reality is different.They do try to become masters over the fellow believers and give out orders and use their authority as a club.
Once again Hell no ! Not god's organization at all.
Is the Watchtower God's Organization?
by Atlantis inwatchtower 1953, may 1st, pg.284, par.16.
16 is the watch tower bible and tract society god’s woman or universal organization?
scan: https://docdro.id/qiltnwd: .
Great Find Atlantis!
June 2011 washtowel Mag has this to say about Does God Have An Organization?
"Though the Creator, Jehovah God, is the Supreme Organizer, he is not cold or rule-oriented. Rather, he is a warm, happy God who is concerned with the well-being of all his creation". So unlike the Gar-Bage who are rule oriented and are not concerned at all for the well being of Gods creation ie fellow worshippers; with regard to CSA, Mergers and Khall sales, making people travel miles for meetings and money grabbing !
So to answer your question, No! Hell No.
Not that it matters to me either way now .I do not believe in the entity of god or anyother thing for that matter.
They fall short in way too many counts IMHO.
When is the AGM for this year?
by no-zombie ini'm sure that the agm is in october but has a date for it been released?.
yeah officially confirmed it will be on the 5th october. Too much excitemnet in the jdumb world .