Watchtower 1953, May 1st, pg.284, par.16
Is the Watchtower God's Organization?
by Atlantis 31 Replies latest jw friends
16 Is the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society God’s woman or universal organization? We say, No.Scan:! -
Nice find. Good question to ask visiting JWs.
Thank you sir! I really appreciated the great info you posted previously on the Divine Name topic. Top notch!
There are times we are able to locate quotes that are very revealing.
You know as well as I do that the Watchtower's worst enemy is "itself"!
Many thanks Vander!
Wow...thank you for sharing that Atlantis.
I just printed that one out. It's a keeper! Interesting!!
Great Find Atlantis!
June 2011 washtowel Mag has this to say about Does God Have An Organization?
"Though the Creator, Jehovah God, is the Supreme Organizer, he is not cold or rule-oriented. Rather, he is a warm, happy God who is concerned with the well-being of all his creation". So unlike the Gar-Bage who are rule oriented and are not concerned at all for the well being of Gods creation ie fellow worshippers; with regard to CSA, Mergers and Khall sales, making people travel miles for meetings and money grabbing !
So to answer your question, No! Hell No.
Not that it matters to me either way now .I do not believe in the entity of god or anyother thing for that matter.
They fall short in way too many counts IMHO.
Further more It further says about Boe's "Appointed overseers in the Christian congregation were not masters over fellow believers. Rather, they were “fellow workers” who followed the direction of God’s spirit, and they were expected to be “examples to the flock.”
But reality is different.They do try to become masters over the fellow believers and give out orders and use their authority as a club.
Once again Hell no ! Not god's organization at all.
Thank you, and your comments are always appreciated! That quote would certainly put a sour smell in the air for a JW wouldn't it?
Many thanks Toes!
Thank you Zing, you list some very good quotes there. ( not masters over fellow believers. ) Oh brother! Now there's a quote that will make you spit your coffee all over the computer screen.
Keep em coming Zing!
From that Watchtower 1953, May 1st, pg.284
The religion that we advocate and preach is the worship of Jehovah God, conforming to the Bible!
The reality is the leaders of the WTS have not conformed to the bible, instead have acted as apostate false prophets running their publishing house. They created this organization and subsequent power through sin and disloyalty to Jehovah.
And I believe Fink has said it all right there.
(The reality is the leaders of the WTS have not conformed to the bible)
Thanks Finkelstein!