I remember this useless, putting-others-down program. I was a damn good pioneer if I say so myself. Not bragging but my record says it all.I used to place atleast 60 books a month, loads of mags, had 15 studies and 100's of rv's which I had a hard time keeping up with; which is a blessing in itself when one is regular pioneer. One day I was assigned to help a publisher and it never panned out well.For one I felt awkward /uncomfortable coz this publisher did not volunteer, was forced to join it coz the boe's wanted to show in their reports they were following orders.I was not ok with thisbut no choice as I did wnat to help but did not want my refusal to be taken as not wanting to help .
Secondly Pub was a very humble, timid person, shy by nature so being outspoken (may be wrong word I use but remember please english is not my first language and I struggle to get words right.I do not have a huge vocabulary); so being good at approaching people and holding a good conversation would be a challenge for such a person. It just felt forced to meet up , go out, prepare conversations , have practice sessions. e went through the farce for 3 weeks. Ultimately it fizzled out coz we both were not comfortable at all with the putting-others-down arrangement.
When it fizzled out I never pursued it.
Why have such an arrangement; when the scriptures say Luke 12:12 For at that time HolySplit will teach you what you should say !
So much for relying on god !