I have seen mostly people get desperate to get married coz of lack of enough bros n siss in any congregation. This is where they just want to get into the bandwagon with no forethought.
I was pursued by so many but all for the wrong silly reasons, not what was looking for really . Eg one person proposed coz I knew multi-languages and would fit in easily with the family (what the hell kind of reason is that to get hitched for life???)
2. Another proposed coz I was an exemplary regular pioneer, well-spoken about in the congregations and so ticked all their so called boxes.(this person would have only seen me on stage giving interviews and such.(What the hell kind of knowledge does that give you about a person personally??)
3.This makes me laugh.This person approached me coz this person thought after marrying me I could bring this persons parents into the truth. (how on earth does one think this is a criteria to get hitched?)
4.Another, unbaptised mind you, person thought I had a photogenic face, will look good together.(Come again! where do they get these stupid ideas from for marrying someone ??)
5.This takes the award.one person proposed the day after the person got baptised.So you know where his priorities lay! Here I was a regular pioneer for years, with years of experience in the truth so called. Hell no this is definitely called "uneven yoke" you need to steer clear of!
Boy the jdumb village is a village full of nutheads , hammerheads and brain deads. I refused all of them outright!
Thankfully I met the right person, fell in love for all the right reasons and married for all the right reasons in our books.Still totally together . (both pomo so life is great!)