I do not know if para 5 says something about husbands but para 6 seems sexist ie putting on that wife needs to be spiritually strong or else how is she going to look after her duties towards her child/children....I see the husband as invisible/ silent observer here, dont you? all he is expected of is to move up the rungs in the cong !. Does he not have to be spiritually strong as well to inculcate his kids too spiritual or does it all fall on the wifes shoulder's ???
"should also consider the effect that taking care of young children could have on their wife’s spirituality. If a wife is not spiritually strong, how will a baby, or a number of babies, affect her personal study and opportunities to share in the preaching work?
Can fatherhood be called responsible if it permits such situations to develop?"
The right thing would be for the husband/ father to give up his so called privileges in the cong and focus on his family's spirituality first. Yeah 1 tim 3:4,5 "He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full[a] respect. (If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God’s church?)"