African brothers who put their life in danger to cross those crocodile invested rivers so they could get to a meeting?
Everything is Futile! They are the worst double-tongued lot of all!
they were told to risk imprisonment to keep meeting and preaching because "we must obey god rather than men".
while here in the u s. we voluntarily cancel meetings and preaching because "we need to be in subjection to the superior authorities".
African brothers who put their life in danger to cross those crocodile invested rivers so they could get to a meeting?
Everything is Futile! They are the worst double-tongued lot of all!
they were told to risk imprisonment to keep meeting and preaching because "we must obey god rather than men".
while here in the u s. we voluntarily cancel meetings and preaching because "we need to be in subjection to the superior authorities".
So do you think the Russian brothers are saying "WTF" right now?
I had the WTF moment as soon as I saw the leaked letter and immediately thought of the russian jdumbs. I was gutted for them. Would love to know how they are feeling now!
If I had not woken up yet , then this definitely would have blown my mind !
can you believe this gibberish coming out of their mouths now; specifically from the clown-horse's own mouth :.
"things unfolding around us are making clear that ...(wait for it).."we are living in the final part of the last days, undoubtedly the final part of the final part of the last days,shortly before the last day of the last days"!!!!!!!!!!!!.
i wonder what part of the final part of the final part of the finalpart...(on a recurring loop), you get the idea!.
the final part of the last days, undoubtedly the final part of the final part of the last days,shortly before the last day of the last days"!!
Overlapping watchtower verbiage!
can you believe this gibberish coming out of their mouths now; specifically from the clown-horse's own mouth :.
"things unfolding around us are making clear that ...(wait for it).."we are living in the final part of the last days, undoubtedly the final part of the final part of the last days,shortly before the last day of the last days"!!!!!!!!!!!!.
i wonder what part of the final part of the final part of the finalpart...(on a recurring loop), you get the idea!.
Kadaver Gehorsham
i keep hearing, being told, conveyed and texted this a lot.all in hopes of perhaps scaremongering me back i suppose.
dont know whether to respond or not!
apparently gangsta morris had this to say at the jellied graduation.
Getting a lot of heat now from people who have not been given my number at all. Ramping up the peptalk to come back, we love you (conditionally of course).
Of course I have also been so invited to watch their streaming meetings with them!
can you believe this gibberish coming out of their mouths now; specifically from the clown-horse's own mouth :.
"things unfolding around us are making clear that ...(wait for it).."we are living in the final part of the last days, undoubtedly the final part of the final part of the last days,shortly before the last day of the last days"!!!!!!!!!!!!.
i wonder what part of the final part of the final part of the finalpart...(on a recurring loop), you get the idea!.
Can you believe this gibberish coming out of their mouths now; specifically from the clown-horse's own mouth :
"things unfolding around us are making clear that ...(wait for it).."we are living in the final part of the last days, undoubtedly the final part of the final part of the last days,shortly before the last day of the last days"!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wonder what part of the final part of the final part of the finalpart...(on a recurring loop), you get the idea!
If r n f are listening to this then it is time they woke up and have some coffee!
(there is a video of his talk saying these exact words on reddit if you want to verify)
i keep hearing, being told, conveyed and texted this a lot.all in hopes of perhaps scaremongering me back i suppose.
dont know whether to respond or not!
apparently gangsta morris had this to say at the jellied graduation.
I keep hearing, being told, conveyed and texted this a lot.All in hopes of perhaps scaremongering me back I suppose. Dont know whether to respond or not! What do you think?
Apparently Gangsta Morris had this to say at the jellied graduation. Raises your spirits does it not for the love never fails attitude , be like christ and blah blah. Words in brackets mine.
"We hope the best for inactive ones but realistically there’s not much time left to get right with God ( Where have I heard that before?? jesus said no one knows the hour but tight pants probably thinks he does!) . Once the Great Tribulation starts it’s too late (We have all been waiting for the show to begin since before 1975 ). Sorry. It just is. You had your chance (seems to think he holds the sceptre not god if you believe in this. No question of forgive 77 times, god alone knows the heart etc ).”
“The World panics over the current pandemic (he forgets the world panicked quite a few times since its birth to spanish flu, sars, russian flu,plague etc). Jehovah’s Witnesses do not (he forgets that if jws do not panic why did they cancel meetings, field circus, assemblies and conventions etc! Coz they are actualy panicking for their own lives just like others!). Jehovah already told us it’s coming (false prophets beware). We’ve tried to tell the World (no you did not; quit lying you eegit). Also, cheer up, things are about to get worse. Jehovah told us that too. Especially for us. But we’re prepared (yeah you are in your scotch tower, like a rat hole away from the world, not preaching and going to meetings as normal but hiding way.What an act of faith!). We’re courageous (So courageous that you have had to cancel all spiritual activities and asked flock to rely on online services). We have Jehovah (Where is the walk that you talk so much about. matthew 7:21-23). They do not (he forgets matthew 7 :1 stop judging).”
Anyone verify this?
every single member of the worldwide order of special full-time servants of jehovah’s witnesses (yb16 p. 176 2015 grand totals) – which includes all of the governing body, all bethelites, every jw missionary, every circuit overseer, and all special pioneers – are worse than people without* faith!
because they have all signed a vow of poverty which renders them as parasites, living off other people's earnings.
where in the bible is that a “principle”?
They ie paul n such ones had part time jobs to fulfil their needs!
every single member of the worldwide order of special full-time servants of jehovah’s witnesses (yb16 p. 176 2015 grand totals) – which includes all of the governing body, all bethelites, every jw missionary, every circuit overseer, and all special pioneers – are worse than people without* faith!
because they have all signed a vow of poverty which renders them as parasites, living off other people's earnings.
where in the bible is that a “principle”?
Buddy they will throw scriptures like :
2 Corinthians 8:4,; 9:1 so that an equalizing may take place. those who are rich or better off financially could contribute from their surplus to offset the needs of the others.
Matthew 25:40 The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'
So consider it as doing for jokovah and hesus. It is such an honor to be able to give something back to god!
All taken to serve their own needs.
2014/09/15 washtowel Study edition has this to say on the subject: Remebr those in the full time ministry, para 4:question how are their material needs met? at times they received hospitality and other forms of aid from fellow bros and siss but never demanded such help ( REALLY SO TODAY?????).
If you want to read further read the whole article.
those that discouraged working full time and/or getting some post secondary education and will now feel the pinch because of a tanking economy?.
Matthew 7:12 do unto others what you want them to do to you
What goes round comes around or .....
What comes round goes round!
Go figure.