I think forearmed is best and :
1. installing security cameras
2.hire security officers to perform access control.
Protective/Guard Services
The general categories here (in frequency of use) are:
Day-to-day facility/campus security guards.
Dedicated to property management, access control, people management and incident response.
Special event security.
Higher-level services for special events, Holidays, weddings, parties and more. An officer with a concealed weapon.
3.should have more comprehensive procedures that also include active intruder response, suspicious package response and more.
4. security training for non-security personnel.
The basics you’ll want to cover are emergency response and general security awareness. It’s also useful to cover things like verbal compliance and verbal management of aggressive behavior.
5.Get to know your local law enforcement agency, get to know the captain, the lieutenants, the sergeants and the patrol officers. Offer your facility during off-hours (usually overnight) for them to train in. Make it known to the patrol officers that they can drop by any time they need a bathroom break or a cup of coffee (trust me, this one is going to be very appreciated).
Not only will the regular presence of law enforcement officers provide a good preventive security measure but when you have a security incident, you’ll find them very responsive and familiar with your facility or campus.