Alex : So if one is truly repentant he should still be DFd,
Oh wow! Goes to show how little you know ! Did you not read in the child abuse cases that those who comitted the crimes did it not just once or twice (again not undermining the crime by the numbers game) many times often the victim being the 1) same child again n again, 2) other kids as well; even after they had been reported to the elders and needing the needful to be done; coz they are supposed to be a refuge and a protection for the flock.
Does that define as repentence to you mate committing the crime again n again ?
Recently I read about an elder who had committed this crime with 50 children! Appalling n disgraceful!
So for you even the bible holds no authority but your own little bubble of a world coz 1Corinthians 5:2 says in no uncertain terms " that the man who committed this deed should be taken away from your midst".
What does this verse mean to you?
Next , if God is the one to forgive all kinds of serious sins if there is repentance, why was King David punished n his household?? Was he not repentant?
Jdumb website says :"David was heartbroken, and he admitted to Nathan: ‘I have sinned against Jehovah.’ This sin brought a lot of trouble on David and his family. Jehovah punished David but allowed him to live because he was honest and humble."
here is the link:[search_id]=742278b7-39cc-487e-b13c-0d431fefb32c&insight[search_result_index]=2
“The one covering over his transgressions will not succeed, but whoever confesses and abandons them will be shown mercy.”—Proverbs 28:13
True God shows mercy but crime does not go unpunished; eg of David. I have lots to say to you coz your comments n posts are so full of holes which tells me you are not researching things outside the jdumb world. You have a lot to learn if you free your mind, mate.
My suggestion go and do search out everything whether these things that we talk about is true or not.Be like the Beroens, they just did not accept whatever was told to them, but examined, researched the truth. I invite you to do the same mate---- 1John 4:1 "Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired statement, but test the inspired statements to see whether they originate with God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world."
There is nothing wrong or sinful in doing so.