@Carla Send him my way anytime, I will gladly speak with him.
want to keep as short as possible, if any questions just ask.. just this weekend gone, i had two visitors (pimi single bros).they came round for a visit and a long chat.they had so many questions now that they have woken.
they are planning their fading(??
), one is an ministerial servant .
@Carla Send him my way anytime, I will gladly speak with him.
want to keep as short as possible, if any questions just ask.. just this weekend gone, i had two visitors (pimi single bros).they came round for a visit and a long chat.they had so many questions now that they have woken.
they are planning their fading(??
), one is an ministerial servant .
@Chook, thanks for the pointer. That is definitely on the table but for desserts and a little later. As you can understand they are going through a lot of emotions at the moment and feel confused, lost,Their world s in turmoil and upside down. I do not want to drown them in the ttatt.I want to wake them up but at the same time keep them sane if you like.Overload might blow their fuse totally and I certainly do not want to be responsible fr that. Emotions are involved so I tread carefully n gently.
want to keep as short as possible, if any questions just ask.. just this weekend gone, i had two visitors (pimi single bros).they came round for a visit and a long chat.they had so many questions now that they have woken.
they are planning their fading(??
), one is an ministerial servant .
Want to keep as short as possible, if any questions just ask.
Just this weekend gone, I had two visitors (PIMI SINGLE BROS).They came round for a visit and a long chat.They had so many questions now that they have woken. They are planning their fading(??), one is an ministerial servant .
This all started with me trying to help wake them (kinda like 8 months or more in the making). Only recently I remember we all were talking about politics, scientology,what is true with media etc.I remember I just put "miracle wheat" out there with a couple of other statements. although I am POMO , we meet up with each other discreetly to continue to be friends. When we meet we talk about anything n everything even the jdumbs but not negatively (did not want to scare them off); and thus started my waking them up. It was hardwork n a challenge at first but bit by bit I noticed that after we talk about something, both of them would go google stuff and read up on things. One of them hyperventilates everytime he hears of something against the jdumbs beliefs coz it scares the bjeezes out of him. So I have taken it slow.
After I had put the word in "Miracle wheat", they went home and googles it , found a youtube video that made them ask more questions. I had not mentioned russell at all in connection to this.This visit they came and shared all what thye found with links and videos and asking for my help to discuss other things they have been secretly researching, though not happy. They are quite angry, upset. They are still not sure about everything coz of lack of info and time to let things register (if you know what I mean).
I have now been sharing a little more everytime and helping them dig deeper and they can decide better. As much as they are still in two minds, both want to get a little distance from the "truth" and time to think things through clearly.I do not influence people to decide to leave or stay in the jdumb world but I do guide with info to wake up.Leave the rest to them.
Any pointers please let me know.
what is the gravest sin a jw can commit?
i’m not even going to consider the so called “unforgiveable sin” since no one knows what it is anyway!
is it lying, cheating, stealing, pride, envy, being gay?
@Scully...Thats one criteria for being a cult ie fear mongering and mind control.
I do not give a goose.
@Doug Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the above. I agree totally that yes all writers wrote with the purpose of influencing their audience/community.
what is the gravest sin a jw can commit?
i’m not even going to consider the so called “unforgiveable sin” since no one knows what it is anyway!
is it lying, cheating, stealing, pride, envy, being gay?
“I promise you that any of the sinful things you say or do can be forgiven, no matter how terrible those things are. But if you speak against the Holy Spirit, you can never be forgiven. That sin will be held against you forever.” — Mark 3:28-29 (CEV)
Let’s face it – that’s a very sobering teaching! But let’s put it into context. Note that Jesus didn’t address his comments to his disciples or a mere crowd. He was talking specifically to Pharisees who had personally witnessed his miracle of completely and instantly healing a blind and mute demon-possessed man (Matthew 12:22). Rather than acknowledging the obvious fact that Jesus was exercising divine powers, the Pharisees were so spiritually depraved that they attributed his power to Satan (v. 24).
“Their problem was not blind ignorance, but willful rejection,That deliberate refusal to believe, even though knowing the truth, seems to be what Jesus called the unforgivable sin.”
As the Quest Study Bible puts it, “Jesus gave the solemn warning in these verses to people whose hard-heartedness placed them on the brink of disaster. Blasphemy against the Spirit evidently is not just a one-time offense; rather, it is an ongoing attitude of rebellion – a stubborn way of life that continually resists, rejects and insults the Holy Spirit. This is what makes it, in effect, an eternal sin (Mark 3:29). Blasphemy against the Spirit is not unforgivable because of something done unintentionally in the past, but because of something being done deliberately and unrelentingly in the present.”
If you believe in god then you worry about this BS.
hi from new south wales australia.
fyi , it's tuesday 10th september 2:36am here.. i am categorically not going to blame the cult for every poor choice.
i am conscious of the fact that i was at a genetically determined disadvantage academically; i was never going to be outstanding in my achievements, no matter how hard i tried.
Sending you love and positive thoughts
hi from new south wales australia.
fyi , it's tuesday 10th september 2:36am here.. i am categorically not going to blame the cult for every poor choice.
i am conscious of the fact that i was at a genetically determined disadvantage academically; i was never going to be outstanding in my achievements, no matter how hard i tried.
hi from new south wales australia.
fyi , it's tuesday 10th september 2:36am here.. i am categorically not going to blame the cult for every poor choice.
i am conscious of the fact that i was at a genetically determined disadvantage academically; i was never going to be outstanding in my achievements, no matter how hard i tried.
First off matey, welcome to the JWNworld/forum.This is a great place to share and find new things, old things ,jw things,non jw things alike. You will certainly learn many things. I am so sorry to hear about you and your family. Yes ,I used to be one Jw ,till recently. I have made much sacrifice too thinking I am doing and making the right choices for god but unfortunately it is a cult , no doubt and ruins lives it touches.
Would like to hear more about your experiences with the Jdumbs(jw's). What made you leave the Jdumb world?
a police campaign to get the public to prepare a "grab-and-go" bag in case of emergencies has been both criticised and mocked by social media users.. a police scotland tweet urged people to pack essentials such as a first aid kit, radio, torch, and food and water.. its recommendations were part of an annual preparedness month, which is being promoted by local authorities and emergency services across the uk.. however, the police force has been accused of scaremongering.. the tweet read: "september is preparedness month.
emergencies can happen at any time and it's recommended to have a #grabbag ready containing essential items including medication, copies of important documents, food/water, torch, radio and other personal items.".
when someone finds himself in a bad emergency situation ,that is when one will realise that these measures are not for scaremongering but for better preparedness. It is kind of a survival kit,emergency kit in a car, first aid in the house,emergency hotline numbers for the police,hospitals etc.I even travel with some essential medicines always.Does this mean I am scaremongering or wanting something bad to happen to me? Not ! This is no different.
Why does one want to find out the hard way or may I say some people do want to find it out the hard way!
If one does not like it then do not have a grab bag,simple.
just been doing some researching and it jsut kept hititng me in the face that god jdumbs worship always butt-in/ intervenes too late or gives his 2 pence worth advice!
instead of avoiding/ preventing the innocents to suffer/ or even die he lets them get on with the bad deeds n then delayed intevention.
eg 1) judges 20 verse 18 where he could have intervevned with his power when the benjaminites were at gibeahs door and helped avoid the sex crime that took place on the poor, innocent concubine(plus 22000 innocent soldiers dying ,who returned for avenge this serious crime.. 2) 2 samuel 12:15-23 god aborts davids n bathsheba's son.
Another atrocious one Genesis 19: Sodom n Gomorrah when the people wanted to have sex with the angels,the father offers his 2 daughters instead like fodder .What father would not sacrifice his self than send his children out to the butcher's yard??
The Babble is screwed up.