JoinedPosts by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara
5 kingdom halls in New Addington for sale
by usualusername1 ini had it confirmed today that 5 kingdom halls on one site in new addington are for sale.
price being asked £3.5 million.. every witness in london worked on that site.
am in shock.
Interesting News article on Jdumbs (with archives too)
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara inspoiler alert : old news article(2015) but info i did not have and lots more.
so i am just putting it out here for anyone who may not have this info.
just stumbled onto this site about jdumbs properties when researching something else.
Spoiler Alert : old news article(2015) but info I did not have and lots more. So I am just putting it out here for anyone who may not have this info.
Just stumbled onto this site about jdumbs properties when researching something else. I also browsed more topics at the bottom of the news article and found things I did not know before. If anyone has more info to add to this please do.
Bring to ruin those ruining the earth, but what if we change.
by pleaseresearch inthis has come up recently with two family members who are jws.
if they are talking about this you can bet that others are too.
they seem to be all excited that a lot of attention in the news right now is about climate change, greta, extinction rebellion etc... as you can image they are very smug saying see.
You may have read the recent thread on this Rev 11:18 verse. The verse is only recently being reinterpreted as referring to some type of literal ruining through pollution.
I used to use this on the ministry to highlight the literal pollution and dirt,garbage problems and show them this verse that god will destroy those destroying the world. we need to look after at least where we live/ our surroundings etc.
Guess I was one of the anointed without knowing then!! Guess I was way ahead of the anointed themselves if this is a new reasoning.
"Do you believe that the 'faithful slave' is God's channel of communication?"
by The Fall Guy inif a jw had the nerve to ask me this question, i'd say to them, "you go first.
using only scriptural proof, show me why you believe that the wtbts/ccojw is god's choice and i'll tell you if i agree with your scriptural reasoning.".
wait for the silence and the rabbit in the headlights moment.. i searched on the wt cd rom for references of "channel of communication.".
Man-made Bs to mind control for their own agendas.
"Expect the Jehovah's Witnesses to portray a selfless, pristine perfect organization, to hide or gloss over doctrinal controversies, to change history to match "present truth", and to cover over anything embarrassing. Each group has kernals of truth in their positions and biases. Yet truth with embellishments is no longer truth, but a distortion."(from the book Watchtower and The Masons by Fritz Springmeier)
2019-October 8, BOE!
by Atlantis in2019-10-08 boe.
supporting the congregation as a pioneer.
I remember this useless, putting-others-down program. I was a damn good pioneer if I say so myself. Not bragging but my record says it all.I used to place atleast 60 books a month, loads of mags, had 15 studies and 100's of rv's which I had a hard time keeping up with; which is a blessing in itself when one is regular pioneer. One day I was assigned to help a publisher and it never panned out well.For one I felt awkward /uncomfortable coz this publisher did not volunteer, was forced to join it coz the boe's wanted to show in their reports they were following orders.I was not ok with thisbut no choice as I did wnat to help but did not want my refusal to be taken as not wanting to help .
Secondly Pub was a very humble, timid person, shy by nature so being outspoken (may be wrong word I use but remember please english is not my first language and I struggle to get words right.I do not have a huge vocabulary); so being good at approaching people and holding a good conversation would be a challenge for such a person. It just felt forced to meet up , go out, prepare conversations , have practice sessions. e went through the farce for 3 weeks. Ultimately it fizzled out coz we both were not comfortable at all with the putting-others-down arrangement.
When it fizzled out I never pursued it.
Why have such an arrangement; when the scriptures say Luke 12:12 For at that time HolySplit will teach you what you should say !
So much for relying on god !
Activism Works, Success :UPDATE
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara inactivism success update:.
hi all, just wanted to update you on further to my post (link https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/6235349429780480/activism-works-success ).. as usual we were in the park this weekend gone (the two bros fading, my good friend and i).we went for a coffee later.
as we were walking to the coffee place we passed a lady and i mentioned that "she lived on my street , near my house.
Smiddy3: Thanks for your remarks . But the statement about the christadel... was not made by me. I did not counter argue on that coz I dont see the point of making /telling statements to people which may lead to counterarguements and that was not where I was going. I just was leading them to where I would help them research Jdumb history one way or the other. Sometimes it works, at others it doesn't. I am no one's advocate one religion or the other for that matter. So I never tell people what to believe. If called for my opinion then I do share what my view is on any matter. Other than that people must research, analyse and conclude on their own.
Hope it is clarified.
Activism Works, Success :UPDATE
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara inactivism success update:.
hi all, just wanted to update you on further to my post (link https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/6235349429780480/activism-works-success ).. as usual we were in the park this weekend gone (the two bros fading, my good friend and i).we went for a coffee later.
as we were walking to the coffee place we passed a lady and i mentioned that "she lived on my street , near my house.
Alanv: most walk away but some do want to research or get an answer in my experience. it niggles at some ,but the rest is up to them to find out the truth of the matter.
Just as you pointed out I do just that. Put things out there and let it hang. sometimes one will pursue it and you get to help them some more.
Activism Works, Success :UPDATE
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara inactivism success update:.
hi all, just wanted to update you on further to my post (link https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/6235349429780480/activism-works-success ).. as usual we were in the park this weekend gone (the two bros fading, my good friend and i).we went for a coffee later.
as we were walking to the coffee place we passed a lady and i mentioned that "she lived on my street , near my house.
WingComander: the jw was merely talking with the little knowledge that may well have been passed onto him by another (senior to him) jw. As always they trust their people to know-it-all correct so he parroted it out to me. I do not take offence nor defend a persons lack of info about a matter, unless it is absolutely important,life-threatening.
Activism Works, Success :UPDATE
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara inactivism success update:.
hi all, just wanted to update you on further to my post (link https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/6235349429780480/activism-works-success ).. as usual we were in the park this weekend gone (the two bros fading, my good friend and i).we went for a coffee later.
as we were walking to the coffee place we passed a lady and i mentioned that "she lived on my street , near my house.
I believe that when someone does his own research personally it holds more water, thereby easier to digest n perhaps decide to fade/ disassociate..
Activism Works, Success :UPDATE
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara inactivism success update:.
hi all, just wanted to update you on further to my post (link https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/6235349429780480/activism-works-success ).. as usual we were in the park this weekend gone (the two bros fading, my good friend and i).we went for a coffee later.
as we were walking to the coffee place we passed a lady and i mentioned that "she lived on my street , near my house.
Phizzy: You are spot on in what I did/do. Not to jump in to show-off my knowledge.This will be like putting them down and what will I gain from it! Infact I might lose a friend, plus I am trying to help them see ttatt.
I think this is where people go wrong and I am no expert.They fight for the ttatt so hard that they drown those in with too much info, thereby confusing them,scaring their socks off, suffocating them and leading them to shut us out. So I am just patient, never argue a point, remain calm and if the person starts to lose his cool (for any reason), leave the conversation there.
In my experience this is working with many I have woken /waking.
Thank you for your kind words.