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Click on subtitles for english. It may or may not work for some.
I have seen mostly people get desperate to get married coz of lack of enough bros n siss in any congregation. This is where they just want to get into the bandwagon with no forethought.
I was pursued by so many but all for the wrong silly reasons, not what was looking for really . Eg one person proposed coz I knew multi-languages and would fit in easily with the family (what the hell kind of reason is that to get hitched for life???)
2. Another proposed coz I was an exemplary regular pioneer, well-spoken about in the congregations and so ticked all their so called boxes.(this person would have only seen me on stage giving interviews and such.(What the hell kind of knowledge does that give you about a person personally??)
3.This makes me laugh.This person approached me coz this person thought after marrying me I could bring this persons parents into the truth. (how on earth does one think this is a criteria to get hitched?)
4.Another, unbaptised mind you, person thought I had a photogenic face, will look good together.(Come again! where do they get these stupid ideas from for marrying someone ??)
5.This takes the person proposed the day after the person got baptised.So you know where his priorities lay! Here I was a regular pioneer for years, with years of experience in the truth so called. Hell no this is definitely called "uneven yoke" you need to steer clear of!
Boy the jdumb village is a village full of nutheads , hammerheads and brain deads. I refused all of them outright!
Thankfully I met the right person, fell in love for all the right reasons and married for all the right reasons in our books.Still totally together . (both pomo so life is great!)
something about the angelus order reminds me of the jehovah's witnesses but i can't put my finger on any one thing..
Pretty soon I can see Angelus moulded into their way of thinking ie just obey. Perhaps after a pretty long time he will awaken to ask quetions again when he discovers the lies, then he looks for a way out, then is shunned perhaps ....Conjecture here, havent watched it yet.
I wil wait n see what happens if it interests me as I continue to watch it.
something about the angelus order reminds me of the jehovah's witnesses but i can't put my finger on any one thing..
Hey matey, I started to watch it and within the first 10 minutes all I could see was loads of similarities, some subltle some not so.
My take on it When Angelus is being introduced fred says always follow orders (sound familiar)? Further he says the chief always knows what is best for you.Again typical jdumbs saying GarBage/ elders always know what is best or the organization as such.
Angelus is told the dress code and it is emphasized to wear a tie always (???) Angelus asks "humans cannot see us so why do we need to wear a tie?" The other four in the room all stop to ponder on this as he did make a good point but then again cognitive dissonance at work .The look on their faces say " a good point but we do not know, we just follow orders blindly ,leave brains at home.
Once agian when he sees the do not enter sign to the cheifs office and gets told never to go there and that all the districts have a door leading to the chiefs office. Angelus again questions if you have never been in there how do you know it is true. Again told to just follow orders and obey blindly. Much like the jdumbs, never allowed to question anything, if you do do then the chief knows it all follow orders, trust in them n blah, blah.
Lets see how much more I can take of this.
police arrest law breakers, haul them into court and they are let go with either nothing happening to them or a slap on the wrist.
district attorneys and judges just let these people off the hook!
you can steal out of a store all day long and the offender never has to pay.
If not that then people start playing the racism card, or lgbtq discrimination card; then activists get involved and thar she blows; justice goes down the drain ! Whooppee for progress!
police arrest law breakers, haul them into court and they are let go with either nothing happening to them or a slap on the wrist.
district attorneys and judges just let these people off the hook!
you can steal out of a store all day long and the offender never has to pay.
Just the other day I read a post where a top-gun paedophile was jailed for 6-9 months and a homeless guy who stole a loaf of bread coz he was hungry 15 years in prison. Does not make sense to me but it is what it is.Everything is goin gto shit nowadays! I dont know anymore.
i've been reading the book recommended by zing "soul snatchers, the mechanics of cults" (bought a used copy online) and one of the things mentioned was how cults police all aspects of their members' lives.
so it got me to wondering, when did the practice of three men (elders) having a hearing (or should we say trial) and passing judgment on a member start?
did the early bible students do this?
washtowel 1961 february question from readers: a few lines which also proves they were in place in 1961:
." For his moral uncleanness, of which his hypocritical, unloving course shows he has not repented, he must be disfellowshiped from the Christian congregation on the basis of the evidence laid before the congregation’s judicial committee."
i've been reading the book recommended by zing "soul snatchers, the mechanics of cults" (bought a used copy online) and one of the things mentioned was how cults police all aspects of their members' lives.
so it got me to wondering, when did the practice of three men (elders) having a hearing (or should we say trial) and passing judgment on a member start?
did the early bible students do this?
Good question Spiral,
As far as I can go with this, I can only say that this was already in place in 1961 (I was not even born then).coz the shepherding/fleece the flock book of 1961 talks about this as if it is already in place. So it goes back as far as 1961.
the watchtower—study edition | march 2020. love and appreciation for jehovah lead to baptism.
( this picture is not from the article!
i found it online to add a little color to the paragraph).
The Ethiopian eunuch] had apparently left the religion of his birth
These jdumbs will say anything that suits their twisted teaching/manipulations just by using info they may not be true.
1 Apparently=it may not be true that they are gods channel on earth.
2.Apparently =it may not be true that they have the truth.
3.Apparently=-it may not be true that they do not shun
4.Apparently=it may not be true that there are no CSA cases around the world against them.
You get the gist!(Not a native english speaker so apologies if I got this wrong)