Hello again 'Hilda':
:: Well, shiver me timbers. This is interesting news. So, it is your contention that the elders should indeed report suspected pedophilia to the police (even in a non-reporting state)? I am just wondering because in your post above, you did say:
If the state required such action I would agree for then superior authoritties would come into play. Otherwise, I say let the elders handle matters according to Paul and the rest of Bible.
The bold is mine. Anyway, have you changed your mind, or am I misunderstanding you? Please explain.
: I have not really changed my mind. My comment was intended to show that I might be willing to change my mind if I could see how the suggested action you are prescribing harmonized with God's bible. That is my concern. The will of God. Only God's will can benefit all concerned, inclcuing the children. Ignoring his will harms everyone concerned.
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Ok. God's will. Right. okay. Sure Greg. *sniff*.
:: Than that settles it. Like many other people of your religion, you 'have faith that the elders are qualified to do what they are appointed to do.' So that explains why this issue exists. Naive people like you throw blind-faith at folks who take advantage of the situation right behind your back. Wonderful. Now we see the original problem of the catholic church, and why they were able to keep a lid on things for as long as they have. And in regards to your notion of God making changes and others trying to force his hand, it sounds to me like your God is a bit more on the human side than many others I know of.
: I am not a fan of blind faith. But this mystic does believe that God's bible is true. We humans may sometimes misunderstand it and need adjustment. But God is true, though every man be found a liar.
Well, I don't know about every man being found a liar, but I know of at least one.
::: Do you likie my logomachy as well, whoever you are? BTW, I never said I was Greg [Stafford?]. Hilda is an ol' lady mystic.
:: No, I said that you were simply 'Greg'. It is also my current opinion, subject to change at a moment's notice. (New Light, if you will):
: Good one. But you did not answer my question. How do you likie my logomachy?
Oh, sorry I missed that. I don't consider you being engaged in a logomachy though, it's more like bad comedy. But, you are well spoken.