Diogenesister - you're not far off the mark! I had a very interesting conversation with one of our professors who feels that melanoma will be treated like an immune disease. There appears to be a link between melanoma and our immune systems, or I should say that how melanoma behaves is similar to other immune diseases. Take for example chickenpox. We have that as children (usually) and our immune systems work out how to suppress the disease but later in life it can return as shingles - our immune suppression no longer works. So this professor theorized that melanoma could in the future be treated the same way, using immunotherapy, suppressing the melanoma disease. It could be argued that that is not a cure as the disease is not eradicated but it then becomes a condition to be treated long-term.
There is of course much more to it - I can only explain in layman terms as I'm not clinically trained (you know, spent my life in a cult and didn't pursue higher education) but I'm gobbling up what information I can now and I'm fascinated to learn what "man" and the "world" are achieving despite the fact that things are supposed to be getting worse......