Hi All,
I was privileged to attend the National Apology yesterday. I was part of a small group of ex-jws attending the event. It was thrilling to be there, to hear the Apology in the Gallery of the House of Representatives but more importantly for the ex-jw community, to hear the Australian Prime Minister speak about the Government's commitment to follow-up on the recommendations from the CARC (Child Abuse Royal Commission to distinguish from the current ARC which is investigating financial institutions) and to hold to account any organisations that do not embrace the recommendations or participate in the redress scheme. The Australian Government will be reviewing yearly the progress of institutions in adopting the recommendations.
After the apology, one of our community, spoke directly to Mr Scott Morrison (our current PM if you don't know until there is another leadership spill!) about the Jehovah's Witnesses failing to say sorry and their non-participation in the redress scheme and the Prime Minister said: "We are aware of that and we will be addressing it".
Unlucky for Watchtower, the CARC is not going to go away. They are going to have to do something or they will be forced to.
Lara was incredible! Her energy in chasing any politician / journalist / mover-or-shaker of any sort was phenomenal and something to observe. She managed, with Steven Unthank, to speak with Mr Bill Shorten (the opposition Leader), Ms Julia Gillard (former PM) and many many others.
We also hounded several reporters and journalists during the course of the afternoon, some were very interested in what we had to tell them about Watchtower. The highlight for me was getting to speak with Justice Peter McClellan who told us that of all the videos from the CARC, the Jehovah's Witnesses had the highest views! I was able to tell him that for so many of us the CARC was the breaking point that helped us leave the religion. He said he was very happy to hear that.
It was an incredible day that I will be processing for some time.