"And Jehovah God went on to form the man out of dust from the ground"
"dust you are and to dust you will return"
"the sons of men that the true God will test them and show them that they are like animals, for there is an outcome for humans and an outcome for animals; they all have the same outcome. As the one dies, so the other dies; and they all have but one spirit. So man has no superiority over animals, for everything is futile. All are going to the same place. They all come from the dust, and they all are returning to the dust"
We're made out of the same material as the animals. There is no need for us to be haughty. Jehovah made us in His image, but just like a computer programmer may make many programs using the same language, so Jehovah can make many creatures out of the same type of code, with similar systems.
Jehovah is the One who invented the dust. How many different elements of the periodic table can be found in the dust? Look how something so basic can be formed into so many amazing things, things that sing or fly or swim or dig! Eating and pooping keep us humble, and teach us that we need to rely on Jehovah for life, we are not capable of surviving independently, we are not God the Source of Life, and we are foolish if we overly exalt ourselves. Poop reminds us what we are made of, that we are lowly. It's not bad to be lowly. Does it mean we are unloved because Jehovah designed us to eat and poop? Ask anyone who has ever fed and cleaned up after a beloved baby.
Jehovah could have made us so we didn't poop. But He, in His great wisdom, was not designing us to be some kind of strange prim and proper Pharisees, because Pharisees are not made in God's image. (Who wants to hang out with Pharisees?) Little kids who laugh when somebody passes gas are more on the level of what Jehovah is looking for in a friend.
"Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the Kingdom of God like a young child will by no means enter into it.”"
Jehovah is fun. Sometimes He is silly. (Why is it always Dads who say "pull my finger"?)
Jesus hung out with fishermen. Have you ever hung out with fishermen? They're not exactly the "scribe" type.
Scribes can't understand what it's like to be a kid because they are too busy being fancy and trying to look really smart with overcomplicated theories and big vocabulary words. Jehovah is a Fun Father. We don't have to be fancy in order for Him to love us. He knows what we are made of, and He's not ashamed to be Our Father.
Jehovah is the One who invented the dust.
"After that God saw everything he had made, and look! it was very good."