It's cool, blondie, I know - you are a good reporter. I know you were reporting on what WTBT$ publishes. I was just taking the opportunity to share the correction on the WTBT$ error.
The entire Bible is about healing what happened in the garden. The garden event led to divisions. In Revelation, it's about removing all the divisions. Because the WTBT$ likes to make divisions, they don't get the point of Revelation; hence they think the "scrolls" in Revelation 20 must be some kind of "communication" between heaven and earth. They think there are two classes that will remain divided. They are wrong.
Since there will be no division, there will be no need for additional "scrolls" of direction. The communication will be reestablished between heaven and earth. Jesus will be here, so there won't need to be any "extra scrolls". People will hear from his mouth what they need to know.
This thread is entitled "other sheep feeding other sheep". The Bible makes clear that it will be Jesus feeding the sheep. "One flock, one shepherd."