JoinedPosts by EasyPrompt
the sounding of the trumpet
by enoughisenough ini will risk showing my ignorance but i had some questioning thoughts in my head lately...maybe those more scholarly than me have insight.
jw teach that the anointed who now die go immediately to heaven.
when lazarus had died martha said she knew he would rise on the last day.
Hi Vidqun🙂
Genesis says: "An evening, a morning - one day."
1 Evening + 1 Morning = 1 Day
1 Evening = 1/2 Day
1 Morning = 1/2 Day
1/2 Day + 1/2 Day = 1 Day
2300 (Evenings and Mornings) = 1150 Evenings + 1150 Mornings = 1150 Days
In Daniel 8:14 the 2300 evenings and mornings are 1,150 days.
A lot of the visions of Revelation overlap and are actually depicting the same event from a slightly different angle.
Armageddon could refer to the entire situation during the great tribulation, but the actual final "battle" will be instantaneous, not drawn out.
The timeframe of the 3 1/2 years is repeated several times in the Daniel, Revelation, and the gospels in slightly different ways: "time times and half a time" or "3 1/2 times" or "42 months" or "appointed times of the nations" or "1260 days" etc.
Just like in Joseph's interpretation for Pharoah, the seven years with the wheat and cows were repeated to show it was sure to happen.
Just like in Daniel the repeated progression of world powers in several different dreams/visions showed it was sure to happen.
The 3 1/2 years of great tribulation when the UN rules as dominant world power and removes all religious institutions is sure to happen.
But also sure to happen is the resurrection of the anointed. Since they are all "killed" by the 1260th day, the resurrection/change for them takes place after that point, which is in harmony with Jesus' words in the gospels regarding the timeline of the great tribulation.
"outside of time" argument
by Blotty inthis is going to be very brief but a user recently tried to argue an argument that has already been refuted many times - the logic is somewhat sound but falls apart when the definition to the word used it looked and its usages in the bible.the word in question is "aionas" found in the scripture in question hebrews 1:2 .
(https://biblehub.com/hebrews/1-2.htm#lexicon)for starters look at the biblehub translations - do any of them state "outside of time" or that time was "created" in this moment - no because this seems to be heavily inspired by greek philosophy rather than the bible itself.note: i am not saying this word does not mean eternity or anything of the sort, i am saying this scripture some of the claims i dispute and can easily disprove, hence the argument is laughable.. bill mounce defines the word as:pr.
a period of time of significant character; life; an era; an age: hence, a state of things marking an age or era; the present order of nature; the natural condition of man, the world; ὁ αἰών, illimitable duration, eternity; as also, οἱ αἰῶνες, ὁ αἰῶν τῶν αἰώνων, οἱ αἰῶνες τῶν αἰώνων; by an aramaism οἱ αἰῶνες, the material universe, heb.
aqwsed12345 said: "Use less line spacing, clown comments, and redundant, absolutely unnecessary funny pictures and videos."
You're the one making the spacey clown comments.🤡
EasyPrompt said: "Begotten" means created.”
aqwsed12345 said: "Ah…. and should I just believe this on your mere statement? I don't even understand why the theologians argued so much about this, if it would have been enough to throw in 3 (!) words. What kind of intellectual pretentiousness is this?"
I don't know what kind of intellectual pretentiousness you have - you're the one who knows.
aqwsed12345 said: "Just answer the rhetorical question at Hebrews 1:5:"
If your question is rhetorical, why do you want me to answer it?
Father means procreator. The children of the Father are His creation.
When there was nobody else in existence besides God, God fathered Jesus. After that, Jesus helped God make everything else. The only person that God made while solo was Jesus.
That's why no other creation of God can be called "only-begotten".
the sounding of the trumpet
by enoughisenough ini will risk showing my ignorance but i had some questioning thoughts in my head lately...maybe those more scholarly than me have insight.
jw teach that the anointed who now die go immediately to heaven.
when lazarus had died martha said she knew he would rise on the last day.
(video is less than one minute, displays scriptures in chart form explaining 3 1/2 years of great tribulation, the last chart shows scripturally that the resurrection of the anointed will not occur until after the 1260th day of the great tribulation)
"outside of time" argument
by Blotty inthis is going to be very brief but a user recently tried to argue an argument that has already been refuted many times - the logic is somewhat sound but falls apart when the definition to the word used it looked and its usages in the bible.the word in question is "aionas" found in the scripture in question hebrews 1:2 .
(https://biblehub.com/hebrews/1-2.htm#lexicon)for starters look at the biblehub translations - do any of them state "outside of time" or that time was "created" in this moment - no because this seems to be heavily inspired by greek philosophy rather than the bible itself.note: i am not saying this word does not mean eternity or anything of the sort, i am saying this scripture some of the claims i dispute and can easily disprove, hence the argument is laughable.. bill mounce defines the word as:pr.
a period of time of significant character; life; an era; an age: hence, a state of things marking an age or era; the present order of nature; the natural condition of man, the world; ὁ αἰών, illimitable duration, eternity; as also, οἱ αἰῶνες, ὁ αἰῶν τῶν αἰώνων, οἱ αἰῶνες τῶν αἰώνων; by an aramaism οἱ αἰῶνες, the material universe, heb.
Blotty said: "This is going to be very brief..."
😆 I guess length of time is a matter of perspective. ☺️
aqwsed12345 said: "It's particularly amusing that one of the most important Watchtower doctrines which they are 'ad nauseam' parroting, namely "the Son is a creature", is NOWHERE explicitly stated in the Bible, although they amusingly claim that all their teachings are "clearly" in the Bible!"
"Father" according to Strong's is: "one who imparts life and is committed to it; a progenitor, bringing into being to pass on the potential for likeness...is used of our heavenly Father. He imparts life...refers to a begetter, originator, progenitor..."
Father = "begetter"
Matthew 6:9
"You must pray, then, this way: “‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified.""
2 Corinthians 1:3
"Praised be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ..."
1 Peter 1:3
"Praised be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ..."
Ephesians 1:15-17
"...that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the accurate knowledge of him."
Romans 15:5,6
"Now may the God who supplies endurance and comfort grant you to have among yourselves the same mental attitude that Christ Jesus had, so that unitedly you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Colossians 1:3
"We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you..."
God is the Father of Jesus. It's right in the Bible a bunch of times. The scriptures clearly describe Jesus as begotten of God. "Begotten" means created. Anything created has a start date and is subject to time.
God is not subject to anything or anyone. God is not subject to time, that is why he can tell the finale from the beginning.
2 Peter 1:19-21
"For prophecy was at no time brought by man’s will, but men spoke from God as they were moved by holy spirit."
Awake! No.1 2023, A United Nations Advertisement?
by EasyPrompt inawake!
magazine no.1 2023 and united nations promotions.
page 3, "world meteorological association".
Is WT Teachig on Hell Biblical?
by Sea Breeze ini guess you could say jesus was the first christian, since he was the christ.
and as the first christian, jesus spoke more about hell that any other biblical figure.
but, he is also the figure that said that he didn't come to condemn the world, but to save it.
aqwsed12345...that picture on that link is horrid and demonic. Christ Jesus would never ever ever ever do anything like that because Jesus does everything like his Father would, and his Father is the God of Love.
Why is there a prologue letter from Pope Pius IX who died in 1878 if the publication was produced in 1905? What was the Bishop trying to prove? He mentioned scriptures out of context and misapplied them, and then used Greek philosophies of Plato and Socrates to try to back up his dark fairy-tale story.
Here's a clue when searching for truth - never trust any human claiming to come in Jesus' name who wants you to call them "Honorable" or "Reverend" or "Father". Jesus clearly said not to take on titles like that. If the person writing their sixty-one page thesis on hell can't even understand Jesus' clear direction on that matter, then they certainly aren't qualified to teach anything else about God or Christ or the Bible.
Matthew 23:1-10
"Then Jesus spoke to the crowds and to his disciples, saying: “The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the seat of Moses
...All the works they do, they do to be seen by men, for they broaden the scripture-containing cases that they wear as safeguards and lengthen the fringes of their garments. They like the most prominent place at evening meals and the front seats in the synagogues and the greetings in the marketplaces and to be called Rabbi by men.
...But you, do not you be called Rabbi, for one is your Teacher, and all of you are brothers. Moreover, do not call anyone your father on earth, for one is your Father, the heavenly One. Neither be called leaders, for your Leader is one, the Christ."
Awake! No.1 2023, A United Nations Advertisement?
by EasyPrompt inawake!
magazine no.1 2023 and united nations promotions.
page 3, "world meteorological association".
🎶WHO really are U, WTBT$? I really want to know...WHo who WHo WHO?
🤣🤣🤣 😁
Awake! No.1 2023, A United Nations Advertisement?
by EasyPrompt inawake!
magazine no.1 2023 and united nations promotions.
page 3, "world meteorological association".
Is WT Teachig on Hell Biblical?
by Sea Breeze ini guess you could say jesus was the first christian, since he was the christ.
and as the first christian, jesus spoke more about hell that any other biblical figure.
but, he is also the figure that said that he didn't come to condemn the world, but to save it.
Yeah, because "hell" or "heller" in the Bible is "the grave" and refers to the condition of being dead. "There is no work nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom in the Grave, where you are going." (Ecclesiastes 9:10)
So people in "hell" or "Hades" or "the grave" are just asleep, and they can't warn anybody about anything.
The illustrations in Revelation and the gospels about the recycle bin and the trash dump are figurative.
If I dispose of something in the recycle bin, I can perhaps get it back.
If I dispose of something in the incinerator at the trash dump, not so much.
When Jesus disposes of the hypocritical religious institutions, those who are clergy/leaders in those institutions will weep and gnash their teeth because the means of their prominence/financial gain will be gone. It'll be "like hell" for them, in the "extremely difficult experience" sense of the word.