Revelation is in signs. The plagues/trumpets/bowls are not taking place in timeline order. They are visions that depict some of the same actions from different angles, just like Daniel's visions.
The Nebuchadnezzar's dream image in Daniel depicts the progression of world powers. The beast visions of Daniel chapter 7 and Daniel chapter 8 depict the same progression from a slightly different angle. Daniel chapters 11 and 12 depict it again from a slightly different angle.
Joseph interpreted Pharoah's two dreams. They meant the same thing. They were depicted from a slightly different angle.
The plagues in Revelation are on false religion. They are depicting the destruction of false religious institutions, just like the plagues in Egypt destroyed false religion. The plagues in Revelation are figurative of the destruction of false religious institutions.
The bowls of God's anger are figurative, also depicting God's judgment on the religious institutions and governments.
The trumpets are loud announcements of God's wrath on false religious institutions and then the governments.
They are depicting the same thing in different ways. They overlap in many ways, they are not necessarily presented in time order.
The 3 1/2 days of the two witnesses vision is another way to present the 3 1/2 years of the great tribulation, similar to how in Daniel there was a weeks of years vision, except in Revelation the 3 1/2 days is a days of years, in other words, a short period of time. The Devil will be cast down for a short period of time, 3 1/2 years. The preaching done during difficult circumstances will be for the 1260 days, which is 3 1/2 years. Christians will be kept safe in the wilderness-like time of the 42 months, or 3 1/2 years, of the great tribulation when there will be no religious institutions to take "refuge" in. Jehovah and Jesus will be our refuge during that time.