Dear aqwsed12345...I went to your website link, but if God was really a "mystery" then why did Jesus say even a kid could understand what God is like? Jesus said God is a Father. A kid understand what a Father is...
"So calling a young child to him, he stood him in their midst and said: “Truly I say to you, unless you turn around and become as young children, you will by no means enter into the Kingdom of the heavens."
A young child is humble.
Fancy "overeducated" people are usually not very humble.
If Jesus and Jehovah could only be understood by fancy overeducated people, then why did Jesus say to become like a little child?
"When the chief priests and the scribes saw the marvelous things he did and the boys who were shouting in the temple, “Save, we pray, the Son of David!” they became indignant and said to him: “Do you hear what these are saying?” Jesus said to them: “Yes. Did you never read this, ‘Out of the mouth of children and infants, you have brought forth praise’?”"
A person doesn't need a fancy theocratic education to understand that God is the Father and that Jesus is a different person, namely, God's Son.
We can praise Jehovah and praise Jesus even if we are simple. Even kids can understand the difference between a Father and His Son. It's not a mystery.🥰 It's close to home.
"But the righteousness resulting from faith says: “Do not say in your heart, ‘Who will ascend into heaven?’ that is, to bring Christ down, or, ‘Who will descend into the abyss?’ that is, to bring Christ up from the dead.” But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your own mouth and in your own heart”; that is, “the word” of faith, which we are preaching." (Romans 10:6-8)
The reason the ransom sacrifice was a sacrifice was because Jesus was such a Beloved Son to Our Father. That's what made it a sacrifice. Because it Hurt Him to Give It.💔❣️
He gave it because He loves you just as much. He sees Your Potential. The sacrifice was Worth It to Him, for Each One of His Kids.💝
"For the promise is to you and your children, and to all those who are far away, to all those whom Jehovah our God may call to himself.” (Acts 2:39)
"God is Love." That He gave His only-begotten Son proves it.💖🙂