@BoogerMan, I think it's a really cool topic, I've enjoyed everybody's comments and I appreciate that you brought it up. 🙂🫶 Thank you!
JoinedPosts by EasyPrompt
JW Writing Committee has a dilemma with Stephen's prayer
by BoogerMan in(acts 7:59, 60) "and they went on casting stones at stephen as he made appeal* and said: “lord jesus, receive my spirit.” then, bending his knees, he cried out with a strong voice: “jehovah, do not charge this sin against them.” and after saying this he fell asleep [in death].
" *or, “invocation; prayer.” nwt reference bible).
w59 2/1 p. 96 - jesus had taught his followers that the father authorized him to raise others to life.
What does this even mean?
by Blotty in"the son is born of the father by generation, but generation should not be understood in the everyday sense.
the son is derived from the father through pure spiritual generation, through the unlimited sharing of his essence.
so, the birth of the son is an intellectual activity of god.".
Perhaps is was Cheshire Catticus, one of the lesser known "apostolic fathers". Like all of the "apostolic fathers" he tended to get things either completely upside down or twisted and taken out of context.
Or maybe it was the White Queen - didn't she recommend Alice try to practice believing six impossible things every day before breakfast?
Who knows...sounds like it was somebody from "Wonderland" anyway...
Awake! No.1 2023, A United Nations Advertisement?
by EasyPrompt inawake!
magazine no.1 2023 and united nations promotions.
page 3, "world meteorological association".
Awake! magazine No.1 2023 and United Nations Promotions
page 3, "World Meteorological Association"
page 5, "a United Nations source"
page 6, "Secretary-General Antonio Guterres"
page 11, "a United Nations source"
page 11, "Global Forest Watch"
page 12, "the World Health Organization"
page 14, "the World Health Organization"
page 14, "the World Bank"
Color scheme of UN
Color scheme of Awake No.1 2023
JW Writing Committee has a dilemma with Stephen's prayer
by BoogerMan in(acts 7:59, 60) "and they went on casting stones at stephen as he made appeal* and said: “lord jesus, receive my spirit.” then, bending his knees, he cried out with a strong voice: “jehovah, do not charge this sin against them.” and after saying this he fell asleep [in death].
" *or, “invocation; prayer.” nwt reference bible).
w59 2/1 p. 96 - jesus had taught his followers that the father authorized him to raise others to life.
We might be blind to Jesus' presence in a room or deaf to his voice, but he can see us and hear us.
After his resurrection, Jesus appeared in the locked room where the disciples were. On another occasion he materialized so they could see him and they talked with him. But he could hear them before they knew he was there.
Jesus said he'd be with us all the days. He can hear when we talk to him, and it's not "worship" or a "prayer" to talk to somebody.
Just because a person is blind and deaf doesn't mean they have to ignore the other people in the room that they can't see and hear. We are blind and deaf to the angels around us all the time. There is nothing in the Bible that says you can't talk to Jesus. He did die for us.
Jesus told us to pray to Our Father, Jehovah. But he never said we couldn't talk to Jesus himself, as is shown at Acts 9:4-8
Acts 9:4-8
"Now as he was traveling and getting near Damascus, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him, and he fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him: “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” He asked: “Who are you, Lord?” He said: “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. But get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.” Now the men who were traveling with him stood speechless, hearing, indeed, the sound of a voice but seeing no one. Saul then got up from the ground, and though his eyes were open, he could see nothing. So they led him by the hand and brought him into Damascus."
"the other sheep will feed the other sheep"
by enoughisenough ininteresting statement in this video...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zchsc1wedns.
JWBorg Celebration UN Holiday
by EasyPrompt inhttps://independent.ng/world-youth-day-jehovahs-witnesses-offer-practical-help-to-youth-amidst-global-crisis/.
JWBorg Legal Department Prevents Prosecution of Child Sexual Abuser in order to Protect Their Image
by EasyPrompt inhttps://nltimes.nl/2023/08/15/court-halts-prosecution-jehovahs-witnesses-abuse-case-due-confidentiality-breach.
wtbt$ legal department impedes prosecution of child sexual abuser in netherlands in order to protect wtbt$ image.. .
wtbt$ legal department = cold-hearted snakes just like their father the devil.. .
It just exposes their motives even more, doesn't it! "Shepherd the flock" my foot!
Here were some more details about the case from an earlier story...
JWBorg Legal Department Prevents Prosecution of Child Sexual Abuser in order to Protect Their Image
by EasyPrompt inhttps://nltimes.nl/2023/08/15/court-halts-prosecution-jehovahs-witnesses-abuse-case-due-confidentiality-breach.
wtbt$ legal department impedes prosecution of child sexual abuser in netherlands in order to protect wtbt$ image.. .
wtbt$ legal department = cold-hearted snakes just like their father the devil.. .
WTBT$ legal department impedes prosecution of child sexual abuser in Netherlands in order to protect WTBT$ image.
WTBT$ Legal Department = Cold-hearted snakes just like their father the Devil.
Those JWBorg guys don't represent God. They don't understand Jesus' teachings. "Why do you not understand what I am saying? Because you cannot listen to my word. You are from your father the Devil, and you wish to do the desires of your father. That one was a murderer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him. When he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of the lie." (John 8:43,44)
They try to escape judgment with their sneaky snake JWborg lawyers, but God will see that they get the judgment coming to them. "These will quietly bring in destructive sects, and they will even disown the owner who bought them, bringing speedy destruction upon themselves. Furthermore, many will follow their brazen conduct, and because of them the way of the truth will be spoken of abusively. Also, they will greedily exploit you with counterfeit words. But their judgment, decided long ago, is not moving slowly, and their destruction is not sleeping." (2 Peter 2:1-3)
The governments will shut down JWborg with Jehovah's permission. It's coming quickly.
"Their wine is the venom of serpents,
The cruel poison of cobras.
Is this not stored up with me,
Sealed up in my storehouse?
Vengeance is mine, and retribution,
At the appointed time when their foot slips,
For the day of their disaster is near,
And what awaits them will come quickly.’"
(Deuteronomy 32:33-35)
What the Elders Book Actually says about Suicide and Judicial Hearings for Disfellowshipping
by EasyPrompt in"the shepherd the flock of god elders’ manual had instruction to take notes, sign and file them in judicial cases where the accused threatens suicide.
this instruction was removed in 2020. pic 1 is 2019 version, pic 2 is from a 2020 edition.
it remains the same in 2023.
Yes, so the hypocrisy is this:
The JWborg claims that it uses disfellowshipping to protect the congregation from wrongdoers, like CSA. But if someone gets a lawsuit and the JWborg thinks it might hurt their reputation, they'll drop the disfellowshipping.
But then on the other hand, they disfellowship thousands and divide people from their social groups, family and friends for reasons some of which are not even a "sin" according to the Bible (like not agreeing with the GB) and as a result some have felt so isolated they've committed suicide or attempted suicide.
The elders will say to those who are disfellowshipped "if we were in ancient Israel, you would have been executed."
These JWborg leaders have shown what is in their hearts. They don't represent God or Christ. Jesus came to save what is lost. The JWborg is trying to kill what Jesus wants to save.
Paul Grundy has a site called jwfacts. They are collecting information for a survey on suicide rates among JW members. Many of the comments on the linked thread show how awfully bloodguilty the JWborg is because of the ungodly shunning doctrine.