Hi Vidqun🙂
Genesis says: "An evening, a morning - one day."
1 Evening + 1 Morning = 1 Day
1 Evening = 1/2 Day
1 Morning = 1/2 Day
1/2 Day + 1/2 Day = 1 Day
2300 (Evenings and Mornings) = 1150 Evenings + 1150 Mornings = 1150 Days
In Daniel 8:14 the 2300 evenings and mornings are 1,150 days.
A lot of the visions of Revelation overlap and are actually depicting the same event from a slightly different angle.
Armageddon could refer to the entire situation during the great tribulation, but the actual final "battle" will be instantaneous, not drawn out.
The timeframe of the 3 1/2 years is repeated several times in the Daniel, Revelation, and the gospels in slightly different ways: "time times and half a time" or "3 1/2 times" or "42 months" or "appointed times of the nations" or "1260 days" etc.
Just like in Joseph's interpretation for Pharoah, the seven years with the wheat and cows were repeated to show it was sure to happen.
Just like in Daniel the repeated progression of world powers in several different dreams/visions showed it was sure to happen.
The 3 1/2 years of great tribulation when the UN rules as dominant world power and removes all religious institutions is sure to happen.
But also sure to happen is the resurrection of the anointed. Since they are all "killed" by the 1260th day, the resurrection/change for them takes place after that point, which is in harmony with Jesus' words in the gospels regarding the timeline of the great tribulation.