JoinedPosts by SydBarrett
What is this?
by Achille inthis image is from "the watchtower" july 2024 (study edition):i can't figure out what that object is that is between the sleeping apostles.wath is it?
a stick, a scroll of the scriptures?
What is this?
by Achille inthis image is from "the watchtower" july 2024 (study edition):i can't figure out what that object is that is between the sleeping apostles.wath is it?
a stick, a scroll of the scriptures?
New GB member Judy Jedele critizing Job's "humility" while wearing $20,000 Rolex, gold cuff links, coloured suit. Incredible!
by WingCommander ini swear, you can't make this shit up!
for years and years growing up in this cult, i had to constantly hear from my parents, from the stage, in the literature, about "keeping your eye simple", not being "materialistic", not "having a showy display of one's wealth.
" of course, this never seemed to apply to the wealthy business owning elduhzzzz who ran and lorded it out over the congregations, but i digress.
What I saw was the typical JW uniform. A non-tailored, off the rack, ill fitting, cheap suit. What makes you think his watch was a Rolex? Maybe Timex.
In the past 24 hours, the world has been breaking into fragments. What will be the Outcome??
by liam innew german chancellor merz has won the election.
trump congratulated his victory but the response was not what trump expected.
merz condemned america, saying that america seemed to be aligning with russia.. he also expressed doubts about nato’s future.. he is now advocating that germany must gain independence from usa.
Depression and big pharma drugs
by Anonymous666 ini'm going to drop a bomb shell here for all you who think you know something about depression.
most depression cases are being cause by the food and drug administration.
they are putting things in certain foods that they know will affect certain people especially those who have gluten problems.
SydBarrett the ongoing chemtrail spraying is horrific -- quite decorative skies.
Dodge has found 4.7 Trillion Dollars in Untraceable money
by liam inelon was looking at the way they audit within the government agencies.
he found there are no links to payments made.
250 million payment………………………..consultant…… ………..unknown.
......and HR can be cut without any negative impact out of any company.
I don't know whether or not that is actually true, but i'm definitely not a fan of HR. I don't think they even look at resumes or if they do, they don't know what they are looking at.
Every job i've ever had, there has been prior contact on some level with the people actually doing the hiring. I've never gotten a bite just blindly submitting a resume.
In my current job, it was a friend of a friend, and we had sort of informally interviewed via emails back and forth but he was waiting on the position to actually be posted. Once it was, he told me to submit my resume and he would get things moving for the round of formal interviews. I did so, and a day or so later I got the canned response from HR, "Thank your for your interest but we have decided on other candidates" blah blah.
Oh well, I thought. Then he messages me and asks if i'm available to interview the upcoming Wednesday. I went through 3 rounds of interviews and got the job. The point of the story is that obviously the HR 'gatekeepers' do nothing. You've got to get your resume in the hands of someone who actually does something. -
Dodge has found 4.7 Trillion Dollars in Untraceable money
by liam inelon was looking at the way they audit within the government agencies.
he found there are no links to payments made.
250 million payment………………………..consultant…… ………..unknown.
@Syd: If you have worked for enough large companies you know that there is plenty of waste going around and that is with a profit motive.
Absolutely. I'm not questioning that. I just don't think a proper audit and cut could be done in 4 weeks by an outsider unfamiliar with the company. It would take some time interviewing people in various departments, getting a grasp of the company's processes before you could identify redundant jobs and inefficient methods.
Musk cut the staff of Twitter by 80% and it seems to be doing OK.True. But an internet app was more in line with what was already his expertise. It seems to me that cutting waste in something like twitter is much more straightforward than say a hospital system or an auto manufacturing plant, as an example.
With web companies, they all seem to have an army of people whose only purpose is to break perfectly functioning
apps with unwanted and un-asked for 'updates'. -
Dodge has found 4.7 Trillion Dollars in Untraceable money
by liam inelon was looking at the way they audit within the government agencies.
he found there are no links to payments made.
250 million payment………………………..consultant…… ………..unknown.
"Dodge". Hah! What an appropriate typo!
While I can appreciate there's government waste that can be cut - there always is, in most countries - it's clear that DOGE and Musk are only there on an agenda of their own (which, to be fair is also usually true of any incoming party in most countries).
Yes, I dont even have a problem with an audit in itself. But the idea that this is being done in a thorough and accurate way in the 4 weeks since the inauguration, on a bureaucracy as large as the Federal Government is nonsense.
I work for a large company. I suppose the CEO could decide to fire a huge percentage of employees tomorrow without regard or understanding of their actual job duties and in the very very short term brag about all the money saved since they no longer have to meet that payroll. But in a few months the wheels are gonna start to fall off. -
I want a marriage mate that’s a brother
by Lace83 inhi, my name is leacy and i am 41 years old.
i live in california.
i attend the rancho santa margarita congregation.
If you're seeking an unmarried, early middle aged man, brain dead enough to still be a JW, the only box you can realistically expect to be checked is "has a pulse".
Ukraine - Nato - US crisis
by mikeflood indon't understand....but this crisis in ukraine seems to be getting out of control....i mean, everybody knows how to start a war..... by the way, as always, people at the borg are having a field day.....
Also what's the Daily Mail got to do with it ? More like Fox News l would have thought .
If it's the latest nonsense that Fox News is outraged about, it'll be a Daily Mail headline and vice versa.