"beef about having to "pay for other people"🤨the way Americans constantly bang on about. Why is that?"
Ronald Reagan. At least partially:
"As Ronald Reagan and other politicians ginned up anti-government
and anti-poor resentment in the 1970s and ’80s, the welfare queen stood
in for the idea that black people were too lazy to work, instead relying
on public benefits to get by, paid for by the rest of us upstanding
citizens. She was promiscuous, having as many children as possible in
order to beef up her benefit take. It was always a myth—white people
have always made up the majority of those receiving government checks,
and if anything, benefits are too miserly, not too lavish. But it was a
potent stereotype, which helped fuel a crackdown on the poor and a huge
reduction in their benefits, and it remains powerful today."
I'm not claiming that no one abuses the system, but a variation of the 'welfare queen' always seems to get trotted out by the right. Giving people some 'other' group to look down on is an old tactic. You'll still hear a variation of "those people on food stamps get to sit at home and eat steak and lobster while i'm at work".
Or you'll always hear, "40 something percent of working Americans don't pay taxes". It's true that 40 something percent dont pay income tax. (you can't pay an income tax on an income that's barely there). But they they still pay payroll taxes to help fund medicare and social security. They pay sales tax on every purchase, including food. They pay property and registration taxes if they own a car which helps fund the roads we collectively use.
No one wants to pay for a freeloader. I get that. I don't either. But a complicated issue has been simplified via half-truths into an 'us vs them' thing.
"American politics, where, thanks to TV,
you can only be one of two kinds of human beings, either a liberal or
a conservative.
Which one are you in this country? It’s practically a law of life
that you have to be one or the other. If you aren’t one or the other,
you might as well be a doughnut.
If some of you still haven’t decided, I’ll make it easy for you.
If you want to take my guns away from me, and you’re all for murdering fetuses, and love it when homosexuals marry each other, and want to give them kitchen appliances at their showers, and you’re for the poor, you’re a liberal.
If you are against those perversions and for the rich, you’re a conservative.
What could be simpler?" - Kurt Vonnegut