My family had several elders, ministerial servants, auxillary pioneers etc, so it certainly wasn't one of those 'barely in' families. But in certain small ways, I think mine were slightly less hard line than some other families i've heard stories about over the years.
One example was the 'fall dinner'. My grandmother would host a big family dinner that was Thanksgiving in every aspect except name. We didn't have it on Thanksgiving Thursday but it was always that general time of year. Did yours do that?
The no Thanksgiving thing always seemed even more stupid than the prohibition against the other holidays. There wasn't any scripture or pagan origin that they could twist and stretch to sorta kinda make an argument for not participating. It was simply being contrary for the sake of it.
What could be more benign than taking advantage of a day that most people get off work to get together with the family for dinner? And if the JW's had allowed it, it would have been a day where JW's socialised together,strengthening their social bonds. Kinda dumb that they didn't see it that way.