JW's are not known for laughter. There are the rare exceptions. They are more known for their fear mongering and doomsday scenarios where "the dead shall come to be as manure on the surface of the ground from one end of the earth clear to the other". - Jeremiah 25: 33
This was my dad's favorite scripture that he paraphrased anytime I wanted to have a father / son talk.
By contrast, after leaving WT, we had an assistant Baptist pastor at a church we attended from Tennessee. He was hysterical. The main pastor was German, a little reserved by nature, but would giggle on demand when Pastor Mac (Irish) let loose on one of many funny sayings. The Pastors and deacons would sometimes pass a rubber chicken to each other at services.... supposedly for some sort of award I didn't fully understand, but didn't care since it was too, too funny.
The main pastor, would often quote Proverbs 17: 22 in sermons from time to time:
"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine"
I remember thinking that in 33 years of WT instruction from infancy, I had never heard that scripture quoted. A good laugh is very healthy.... unless you are a JW. Then, it is bad.
Here the WT seeks to warn against the dangers of excessive laughter:
"Excessive laughter can at times lead to vomiting. Especially in the case of children, too much laughter can cause the sphincter muscles of the bladder and the rectum to relax suddenly, with embarrassing results". - g72 1/8 pp. 3-4 Can Laughter Benefit Your Health?
I don't think assistant Pastor Mac would have made a very good JW.