For me, personally, I've seen both good, and bad elders. I've seen many a good man that have tried to climb the Witness version of the corporate ladder to reach the almighty position of Elder, and quite a few made it I have to say.
Interestingly for me though was the change in them after they got there. The guy's who would be the first to put their hand in their pocket to buy a round in at the pub were now the ones who would beat you over the head with a stick for staying out past midnight on a Saturday. The same guy who was earning a good wage as a salesman was now the guy telling people not to put secualr work first and to strive for spiritual goals, rather than secular.The guy telling people not watch violent movies, or play violent video games, was the same guy who a week before was telling people how much fun he had playing Grand Theft Auto.
My Dad is an Elder, and has been for nigh on 25 years, and I saw the change in him almost instantly. The things I used to get away with I no longer could (or should have in the first instance), I had to be whiter than white. I admit that when I was younger I wanted to be like him, but after seeing what it does to people I soon gave that ambition up.