I used to have a fantasy…if I was ever disfellowshipped, I would sit in the hall, in the front row. After the announcement, I would stand up and yell out, “ Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, I am free at last.” Then I would hold up my middle finger to everyone, and finish off with “And I won’t be back.” But alas, I am a fader, never disfellowshipped. 👍🏻
Posts by Biahi
Hospitality for speaker
by road to nowhere inthere seem to be hospitality starting again.
fully vaccinated and assume masked.
neither a set in stone rule.
Meeting announcement for emergency contact info of non-JW friends & relatives (?)
by LongHairGal ini just saw this post on reddit and can hardly believe it.. if i remember correctly years back they told you not to have anything to do with non-jw friends or relatives.
they discouraged you from bothering with non-jw family and to avoid them on holidays!!
i needlessly missed out on some delicious holiday meals with people who genuinely cared about me.
Pontoon, you are so right. At my previous job, a co-worker converted to become a JW. I told him not to, but he did it anyway. Well, he died suddenly of a massive heart attack. This was in Chicago, and his mother and other relatives were in Mexico. After his funeral, some witnesses showed up at the workplace to inquire about any life insurance, 401K, etc. what nerve! Anyway, the boss was smart enough to throw them out, after informing them that everything was going to his (worldly) mother in Mexico.
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Serena Williams thinks she is a JW LMAO
by jojorabbit ini saw a post pop up on some click bait where serena williams saying she was praying for armageddon to come and that the jws have said we are living in critical times hard to deal with.this was her response to the texas school shooting.
another cult catch phrase.
i am sorry williams you aint no jw.
Serena Williams thinks she is a JW LMAO
by jojorabbit ini saw a post pop up on some click bait where serena williams saying she was praying for armageddon to come and that the jws have said we are living in critical times hard to deal with.this was her response to the texas school shooting.
another cult catch phrase.
i am sorry williams you aint no jw.
Ex JWs who use the catch phrase "Friends"
by jojorabbit inits a personal pet peeve to me but i hate it when ex jws use the catch phrase friends.
this was used at every convention and many meetings i went to.
the friends, mother and others.
14 kids dead and one teacher at Texas school shooting.
by jojorabbit inanother shooting, this time 14 kids dead more wounded and a teacher dead.
i am all for the second amendment and this does not change my mind.
but i do hate this kind of thing, makes my stomach turn.
Do you think Watchtower is owned by a man at the top
by Foolednomore indo you think watchtower is own by one man at top that is so mysterious but only the governing idiots answer to?.
or could it be a family like the rothschilds or some other wealthy family.
or a secret branch( experiments) of the government?.
Norway Supreme Court Makes WTS Reinstate Disfellowshipped Member
by Golden4Altar inthe supreme court corrects a mistake.
massimo introvigne.
article source.
As a teen, I remember an incident where a sister was waiting for a bus to take her to work. She was dragged into the bushes by a stranger, beaten up, and raped. She was taken to the hospital, where she was recovering from the SEVERE BEATING she got from this criminal. Her husband was at her side. The elders showed up, to ask him if he “forgave” her for the adultery. Sickening. 🤮
Hello WTBS ...we have a problem... millions missing publishers
by TexWiller inas the title states there is a ...problem.
allow me to explain.. i'll start with a letter from the president of the wtbs inc in 1974.
*** yb74 254-6 is your faith dead or alive?
Some Jw's are the worst employees
by Foolednomore ini found a company and employed an elder as an underwriter and two ms as sales and marketing.
anyway, this elder will delegate his work to the ms in sales and marketing, so he can go home early.
he knew when he got started that this would be a 10 hour a day job with some saturday.