Still mad with me, 'cos I won't kiss your ass AlanF?
('cos is a word highly used in Teen beat mag. so it must be part of the main stream vernacular)
AlanF, my "week-man-week" was deliberate, it was simple word play, to catch all ewe asswholes who place more importance on a person's spellling and grammer rather than the import of there message. Which your highly personified intellect apparently missed (oops that's a fragmented sentence -I must be too stupit to unnerstan' the more harder stuff, and their's spellin' misteaks to.) -Read Swift asshole, and then call me in the mourning. By the way, you can keep your 10 bucks.
AlanF Why don't you criticize Heaven's remark
This is so typical.You attack me for using "you" -attack Heaven for using "he/him."
This kind of person is a dream for the W.T.S because not only is he not very bright but he is also very outspoken.
God help him.and yours
Another simple observation about your intellectual lack is that you don't understand that you've failed to indicate who the "you" is in your post here.
oh, buy-the-weigh, AlanF phuck-ewe