JoinedTopics Started by thewiz
Should a Christian Fight in a war, or join the military service?
by l3gi0n inecclesiastes 3:8
: there is a time for peace and a time for war.
there are some arguments as to weather a christian would fight in military service, or would remain peaceful to all men, up until death.
What's The Strangest Thing that ever happened to you OUT IN SERVICE??
by NaruNaruChan ini once had a guy answer the door naked, and i laughed my butt off... you?
Try to get your head around this paradox!
by DanTheMan ini've never heard of this motion paradox.
i've been reading a book titled the whole shebang by timothy ferris.
it must take a certain amount of time for the arrow to get halfway to the target.
How many GB members 2 change a lightbulb?
by Iron Eagle in.
how many gb members does it take to change a lightbulb ?.
none, the writing department does the dirty work.
"I don`t hate the witnesses BUT......
by Sparks inhi gang, i took my new girl-friend last night to a country club for a quiet drink and dinner.. it was a good oppertunity to really get to know her.after an hour or so, our conversation went off .
the mundane sex in the city type of conversation :( she`s into the hot candle wax and the sniffin $bills.
thing zzzzz snore...) and into the more personal and philosophical....when i happened to mention.
What I think of some of you!!!!!!!!!!!!
by LyinEyes inyou want to know what i think of alot of you on this board?????.
my son wonders why i talk on the phone to people i havent met in person and they wonder why i say," i love you", to people they dont know!!!!!!!!!!!
So What's Your Porn-Star Name? (Fluff, BTW)
by Englishman inyou take the name of your favourite pet as the first part of your porn-star name, then you take your mothers maiden name for your porn-star surname.. which makes bennet, hmm fairly ordinary i suppose... but her ladyship becomes...poppy male...ah, it works sometimes then!.
this could be good.
I miss being a JW
by joelbear in.
it seems the more time goes by, the more i miss being a jw.. i miss my friends.
i miss the feeling of safety of the group.. i miss having hope.. i miss it a lot..
WT lit for sale! BV etc.
by Introspection inokay here is a list for anyone who might be interested.
i am willing to let these go for shipping cost, though if something is really worth big bucks i'd appreciate it if someone would let me know just because i can use the money.
these are available to non-jw's only, and i will only sell if you post a message to that effect.