I believe in the bible. I believe that Noah's flood was an actual historical event. I can only assume that children died at that time.
And that Armageddon is coming.
And the people will be held accountable for not teaching their generations about God.
how do I deal with this dilemma? I try not to.
Because, Jesus prophesied about the destruction of Jerusalem did it mean he took delight in the plight of those people? Hardly.
Because it is prophesied about some future event called Armageddon does that mean, God will take joy in it? Hardly
Even Jehovah, does not delight in the destruction of the wicked. Of which he is the judge, no one else.
I find it inconceivable that there are JWs applauding this awful tragedy in any way. Maybe that's the impression that JW & WTBS haters get. But in all my years as a JW or former JW, or whatever the hell it is, that I am, I have NEVER heard anyone applaud human misery. Do they look forward to the destruction of this ungodly system? Yes they do.
BTY what does WOL mean. Witneses-On-Line? I think I've been there but can't remember.
I come here to get open mindedness but for the most part I see hate.
I had lived in RI for 27 years. Yet in the daily news email from WJAR I seen, 4 RIer's are suspected of dying in the attack. I guess that means RIer's are only concerned with the 4 RI's that died. That's just foolish thinking. No it's because it hits very close to home, that's all.
In Schindler's list, a jewish proverb is quoted Don't quote me, it's been a while.
"He that saves an individual saves the world entire."
3 cups of water are sufficient. It's the action that makes all the difference in the world.
I was sickened by those people who were cheering in the mid-east over what happened. I do not condone violent behavior. However, it did made me think. My first inclination, like many is to bomb the hell out of them. But it's not the answer.
These people for the most part have lived thier entire lives with destructive forces. They are saying, "welcome to the club. Now you know what it means to grieve over someone dying over a terroist attack. Now you can cry over your babies that have died, like I did when my baby died from a USA made bomb. You live with your games and air-conditoned homes, your pets that you feed, seemingly unaware or unconcerned. While we are starving, we are dying, we are suffering and we are people too, just like you."
I think it's a joke that many in the USA think that US bombs only kill bad people. Well in one instance the USA vaporized 98,000 people in one shot. Their target, japanese civilians. Not in just one place but in two, several days apart. If you were at ground zero in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, wouldn't you feel you were attacked by terrorists? Talk about 2 bldgs. How about 2 entire cities and your entire way of life, gone. Everyone, not just some, you knew were gone. No good-byes, no nothing. THe USA calls that freedom?
Again let me reiterate, I do not condone this action or anything like it. I have shed my tears and expressed my sorrow and rage as all of you have. I am simply making the point that from the perspective of the individual, a terrorist can take on many forms.
BTY who was it that dropped those bombs? It was persons who claimed to be the all loving "christians"
You people are isolating a small group of people and blaming them for everything that's wrong with the world. It's the whole world society that is to blame. Not just JWs or the WTBS.
The USA has to take some of the blame for the world scene as it exists today. They aren't the peace makers they are just the arbitrators of violence. The finger pointer.