Welcome to the board. In answer to your question yes and no.
In November 1995 the WTS dropped the idea that the "generation" were people born in that year who lived to see the "sign" of Christ's presence and survive to the end. This was changed to be all of the people who have been living at or born since 1914. That means my dead granddad who fought in WW1 (born 1890's, my dad (born 1930's) me (born 1960's), my son (born 1980's) are all of that generation (allegedly). If I get grandchildren they will be too. The 1914 generation became very elsatic (the Spandex generation) and gets the WTS out of the hole they dug...sort of.
But, the WTS own official web-site continues to say that the generation alive in 1914 would see the end. And in order to spur on the tired and depressed Rank & File, in the last two years the WTS has said that the annointed (genuine, that is) will still be left on Earth when the end comes. The annointed are now very old (proof of how near the end is) except for the young ones on the GB (hedging their bets). Again, a fair amount of stretching can be accomplished by continuing to appoint post 1940 annointed to the GB as the "1914 generation" version dies out.
Confused? Your not the only one!
'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'